Chapter 1 - Thinking for Kalos

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Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) were deciding what to do next.

Ash: What will we do? Asked Ash.

Pikachu: Pika Pika (I don't own.) Nod Pikachu.

Greninja: Greninja (Neither do i.) Agreed Greninja.

Ash: I KNOW! Let's go to Kalos! Shouted Ash.

Pikachu: Pikachu! (Yay!)
Greninja: Grenin! (Yay!)
Cheered Pikachu and Greninja.

Ash packed his things up took his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) and waved goodbye to his mom.

Ash: Bye! Mom! Waved Ash.

Pikachu: Pikachu! (Bye!)
Greninja: Kyah! (Goodbye!)
Waved Pikachu and Greninja.

Delia: Bye! Take care of yourself! Waved Delia.

Mr. Mime: Mr Mime! (Bye!) Waved Mr. Mime.

Ash: I will! Shouted Ash.

Ash arrived at Proffesser Oak's lab to get his Kalos Pokémons before going to the airport.

Ash: Proffesser can i have my Kalos pokémons please? Asked Ash.

Proffesser Oak: Sure! Accepted Proffesser Oak.

Proffesser Oak gave Ash his Kalos pokémons.

Ash: Thank you Proffesser Oak. Claimed Ash.

Proffesser Oak: Your welcome! Repiled Proffesser Oak.

Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) waved goodbye to Proffesser Oak, and Proffesser Oak waved goodbye back.

Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) arrived at the airport. Ash,Greninja,and Pikachu patiently waited for there plane to be called.

Ash: I hope Dark Ash is not coming. Cause he will ruin our trip. Explained Ash.

Pikachu: Pika Pika! (Yeah! I don't like him!) Demanded Pikachu.

Greninja: Hope i don't see his face. Agreed Greninja.

2 minutes later.....
Ash's plane was called, Ash and his partners (Pikachu and Greninja) hoped on the Plane sat down on the chair. And wore there seatbelts.

The Plane flew to Kalos.

Ash: Kalos! Here i come! Shouted Ash.

Meanwhile with Serena.
(Serena's POV)
Serena was at home in her room with Braxien.

Serena: Oh Ash i wish you were here. Thought Serena.

Braxien: Braxien Bra (Greninja, i wish i could meet you.) Thought Braxien.

Grace: Serena! Called Grace

Serena: Yes Mom? Repiled Serena.

Grace: I got a phone call from my friends, Delia that Ash is coming to Kalos.

Serena: Yay!
Braxien: BRAXIEN! (YAY!)
Shouted Serena and Braxien.

Both Serena and her Braxien ran to the airport to meet Ash and his pokémons.

Will Ash and Greninja see there loved ones on the airport?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

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