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10:45 A.M.|MIAMI

I was waiting outside of the gates. Today was the day Jamoney was coming home.

I was nervous. I haven't talked to him none since he been locked up. I know he felt some type of way. I would put money on his book, but I'll never visit or call.

"Open up that cell let that boy outta jaillll!" NewNew yelled sticking out her tongue. I squinted my eyes at her shaking my head.

"Close the cell keep that boy in jail." I mumbled laughing.

"Holdup-" New got out the car leaving the door open walking up to a guard talking to him.

I reached over closing the door. It was to damn hot and my air was going out.

I chuckled and shook my head at New flirting with the guard looking down at my phone, I seen I had one missed called from Khalil.

I'll call him back later.

New walked back to the car getting in. I looked at her with one eyebrow tilted.

"Oh! I just asked him when the inmates getting released." She hunched her shoulders putting a headphone in her ear.

I took the head phone out her ear.

"Well... what he say."

"Oh yea. He said in about five to six minutes."

I nodded I was about to call my momma until the gates open and I see inmates walking out. I didn't see Jamoney.

I was about to pull off until I seen him. He was the last one coming out with a bag over his shoulder.

My hands started sweating. New could tell I was overwhelmed so she touched my hand.

"Breathe in, breathe out your the baddest bitch." I laughed at her and she kissed my check she was about to hug me until the drivers door was swung opened.

He mugged me picking me up out the seat kissing me all over my face and neck.

"Stop- put me down." I laughed at how ticklish I was.

He put me down pecking my lips. He got in the drivers seat. "I'm driving." I nodded my head walking around to the passenger seat.

"Welcome home jit." NewNew dapped him up before getting in the backseat.

I got in the front seat closing the door putting on my seatbelt.

This nigga drive reckless.

"Where we going." NewNew sat up putting her arms around both of our seats.

"Gotta go get my car from da crib." He looked over at me licking his lips.

He stopped and observed me. He looked down at my shorts. "What I tell you about that shit." He popped my thigh.

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