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After saying Goodbye to Xiao Bai , me and my Bodyguard Zhao Yunlan returned back to my house . I said to my Bodyguard .... " Zhao Yunlan , I want to discuss about something to you . Come to my room , after dinner . "

My Bodyguard smiled at me and said .... " Okay Sir . You know what , Sir ? If you want you can tell me before having our dinner too . I don't have problem with it . I will not mind . "

I said .... " Zhao Yunlan , it will be a long talk  . It is better to have our dinner first . Then we will talk about it . Now both of us let's get freshen up and have our dinner and then you meet me in my room . " And I  went to my room  .

After freshening up , me and my Bodyguard have my dinner . In the dinner , I couldn't eat my properly due to my Mom ' s phone call . You all may say then why am I eating ? If I don't want to eat . Then let me clear you . I am eating cause , I know very well if I don't eat my food , my Bodyguard will not eat too . And I don't want for me , my Bodyguard will not eat his  food too  . So I am eating with him to give him company . I think you all know how much I care about my cute Bodyguard !?

After the dinner , I said to my Bodyguard .... " Zhao Yunlan , come to my room , I will be waiting for you . " And returned to my room .

I was sitting in my room , when I heard a knock on my door and a voice .... " May I come , Sir ? "

I said .... " Yes , Zhao Yunlan " and after coming please closed the door , I want to tell you about something important . "

Zhao Yunlan entered into my room and as usual was standing . I said ... " Zhao Yunlan , you can sit down on the chair infront of me . "

He sat down on the chair and said .... " What happened , Sir ? What do you want to tell me ? "

I said ..... "   I think you already knows that in the film studio , my Mom had called me . "

Zhao Yunlan said .... " Yes , Sir . "

I said ..... " You know what she said ? She said , she had fixed my marriage with a boy  . But I don't want to get married now . After all I am only 24 years old . I think I should atleast in my 30 s to get married . And she also told me I can't say No to the marriage proposal .  That's the reason why am I  so angry and sad from the morning . Now only you can help me with this problem of mine . "

Zhao Yunlan thinks for few minutes and said to me ..... " I understand the whole matter . But I don't understand one thing . "

I asked ... " What could you not  understand ? "

He said .... " How can I help you in this matter ? "

I said to my Bodyguard .... " Be my boyfriend Zhao Yunlan .  "


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He shockingly said .... " What !  Sir ? "

I said ..... " I mean , be my fake boyfriend .  "

Remember  I had said I have a reason why I don't want to get married now ! Then let me tell you all . I don't want to get married now cause I had fallen in love with Zhao Yunlan .... Yes .... Yes ... I had fallen in love with my Bodyguard ... But I don't want to freak out my Bodyguard by telling my real feelings towards my Bodyguard . So now that my parents had arranged my  marriage , I think it's my chance to make my Bodyguard as my fake boyfriend and slowly tell my feelings to my Bodyguard . You can say two birds with one stone .  So just now I proposed my Bodyguard to be my boyfriend by different means to made him not freaked out by my real intentions towards him and also to break my arranged marriage .  * I also have another reason which I will tell you all later . *


At first I had really became happy when  I heard  that Mr . Shen Wei asked me to be his boyfriend . But my dream broken down within few seconds , when Mr . Shen Wei told me to ....  " Be his fake boyfriend ..... Only to act infront of his family and friends . "  He also asked me .... " Zhao Yunlan , for this act I also have to hug or kiss you something . Can I do this Zhao Yunlan ? Is it okay to you ? If you are not comfortable you can tell me Zhao Yunlan , then I will not do these things with you ? "

Ha ... Mr . Shen Wei is asking me , if I am comfortable of being Mr . Shen Wei ' s kissing or hugging me ! What a joke of the year !? This is been my dreams from the first day after seeing Mr . Shen Wei . Of course I am ready to be Mr . Shen Wei ' s boyfriend ... I mean fake boyfriend .... "

Damn Yunlan ... You are so smitten with Mr . Shen Wei that you are willing to be his boyfriend ... Fake boyfriend ... Hope Mr . Shen Wei will really understand my feelings for him one Da y .

I looked at Mr . Shen Wei and said .... " Yes Sir , I am ready to be your boyfriend .... I mean fake boyfriend . And I don't have any problems with you  kissing or hugging me all the time ... I mean infront of your family and friends  . "

I saw Mr . Shen Wei happily smiled at me and said .... " Thank you Zhao Yunlan for accepting my proposal . And one more thing don't call me Sir from now on .... Call me Xiao Wei from now on . "

I said .... " Okay Xiao Wei . "

Then I saw , Xiao Wei looked at me for few seconds and said .... " Can I kiss you  now ?  Can I hug you  now  ? I mean to practice to kiss infront of my families and my friends .

I felt really very happy to heard of Xiao Wei ' s asking me to kiss me and hug me . I felt like my dreams are coming true at last . And I excitedly said ... " Yes ... Xiao Wei , you can kiss me ..... You can hug me , my love . " 

BODYGUARD WHO GUARDS MY HEART ( WEILAN )Where stories live. Discover now