Chapter 1: Pies, Ice Cream, and... your hankerchief? OH MY!

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*Zane stood there frozen in place. He felt the creamy, strawberry, pie crust mixture slowly sliding down his face. He was livid, as he slowly wiped the mess off of his one eye. He turned to the culprits, everyone at the table looked mortified. Accept... one girl, and what looked to be her date, the girl looked more concerned then scared. The guy just looked hopelessly confused. Zane quickly gets up out of his chair, clearly angry. But before he could over there the one concerned girl got up and rushes over to him almost tripping in the process.*

Kawaii-Chan: are you ok?

*Zane is was... shocked. He wasn't used to a person approaching him when this type of stuff happened.*

Zane: y-yes I-I'm fine... just... *he looks up at his brother and a black haired green eyes man he's never seen before* a little shaken is all. *his brother and the guy looked extremely guilty and horrified. Like they had just committed a horrendous crime. With these looks Zane had deduced they where the culprits of the pie splattered all over his face. However, his focused quickly was fixed back to the amber eyed, pink haired, mei'fwa girl. As she got a little to close for Zane's comfort*

Kawaii-Chan: I'm so so sorry! It was an accident! *she hands him a small white and pink handkerchief* here take it!

Zane: *he glares at her... he looks like he's about to shout, but something stops him... looking at her slightly nervous but genuine smile, he hesitantly takes it* thank you... *he wipes the remaining pie off his face*

Kawaii-Chan: your welcome! And again I'm really sorry for all that! It was an accident I promise...

Zane: sure... *he glares at his brother and his friend* well thank you... for the help anyways... *he starts walking back to his table*

Kawaii-Chan: your welcome! Thank you too!

Zane: f-for what exactly?

Kawaii-Chan: for understanding! Heehee! I'm glad I could be of help!

Zane:... *he sits down back at his table*

*everyone else at the table jaws where side open, and in huge shock*

Aphmau: sh-She tamed him... so easily...

Garroth: I've never seen him calm down like that with anyone...

Kawaii-Chan: huh? Did I do something wrong?

*later that knight Zane lies awake in bed... staring up at the handkerchief now completely clean... what was wrong with him? He had never calmed down like that before... he now remembered who she was... she remembered her from high-school specifically... she's was always kinda annoying and way to bubbly. So why was tonight any different? Was he tired? Just didn't want to deal with all that spur of the moment rage? This wasn't the first time someone offered to... "help," him... but as far as he knows it's the first time she ever did.*

Zane: In head: I remember back in high school aphmau was hellbent on helping and being a friend freshman year... well not really. She didn't care about me enough and was focused on other things... She was concerned for me a couple of times... but generally was focused on other problems... so why is this mei'fwa different?... she never cared for me before... maybe it was because.... she... approached me?... she didn't question me or just assume I was in the wrong... she just apologized... *he looked out of the window of his little hotel room watching the moon rise over the shimmering blue water, as the reflection danced on the waves* or maybe because she offered me this... just to clean up... i-I didn't need it or anything... sh-She just saw I was upset and... gave it to me... I've never really got something like this from anyone... even if it was just to make me feel better... I-is this a gift? Sh-She didn't as for it back s-so- *he tosses it across the room* why do I feel this way?! I-is it laced with magicks?! ! *he pauses then walks over to the cloth and picks it up* n-no what a dumb thought... *he's silent* tomorrow I'm going to set the record straight. I'll show her... I'll show them all who I really am.

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