Chapter 2: Cat... Strippers?

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*Zane finishes buttoning up his shirt. Finally tying the knot on his outfit.*

Zane: hm... is a dress up shirt too much? Hm... wish I knew more about this place before suggesting it. Oh well no backing out now... I guess... *he starts thinking to himself* it's not too late to turn back... I could end it all right here right now... ditch her and she'll never want anything to do with me again... that way I won't have to worry... about... about... *he sighs* about what? You're a Ro'meave dammit! Why is everything so difficult for you?! Why am I even-

*buzz buzz!*

Zane: GAH! *shakes head* I-it's just my phone...

Txt KC: waiting for you in the lobby! I'm so excited!

Zane:... *KC's words from the other day echo through his head*

"Why do you have to take everything as a disrespectful act towards you?!"

"You know maybe everything wouldn't be so annoying if you just let people be nice to you!"

Zane: hmph... let people be nice to me huh? Ok Kawaii-Chan... I'll bite for now... *opens the door and starts walking away*

*in the lobby*

Kawaii-Chan: ha! You're here! *she walks over excited* ready to go?

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Kawaii-Chan: ha! You're here! *she walks over excited* ready to go?

Zane: y-yeah sure...

Kawaii-Chan: *smiles and starts walking with him* soooo are you excited?

Zane: *he nods* but um... probably not as excited as you

Kawaii-Chan: Huh? What do you mean?

Zane: uh- well... I mean, you just have a lot of energy that's all... n-not that that's a bad thing! I-I mean- *whispers* fuck

Kawaii-chan: *giggles* no need to be all flustered... I know I'm high energy! It's a healthy dose of sugar and tea daily! That's how I keep my stamina up!

Zane: uh- *sweats* (internal thoughts) I'm pretty sure that's not how it works...

Kawaii-Chan: buuuuuut it's not enough to keep me awake all night...

Zane: uh- that's because I work on my computer and do business for a living, you always have to be alert...

Kawaii-Chan: that's your job?

Zane: w-well not... technically... I want to run my own company one day or be some sort of business associate... s-something along those lines...

Kawaii-Chan: haaa! I've always wanted to run my own maid cafe!

Zane: uh- I was thinking a little bigger... but yeah something along those lines...

Kawaii-Chan: something bigger? Like work at your dad's company?


Zane: you... could say that... *nervous laugh*

Kawaii-Chan: ???

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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