{Chapter 1}

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"Y/n wake up!! You're going to be late to school!!" My mom says shouting from the living room. I reach over to take a look at my phone to see I only have 6 minutes to get ready. I look over the bed and see that my alarm clock was unplugged. Oh shit, that must have happened last night when I knocked over my night stand.

I hop out of bed and into my closet to pick out an outfit for today. Since I don't have much time, I grab a baggy pair of black joggers and a random plain crop top with some black converse. When I'm done tying my shoes I grab my phone and put it in my backpack and leave.

At least the school is within walking distance so I don't have to take the smelly buses. I take out my phone from my backpack and see I have about 2 minutes to get to school, so I start running. With only a few seconds to spare I finally get to class right as the bell rings.

I sit down in History class, feeling a few eyes on me. People are always late I don't get why they have to stare. I wait for the teacher to start rambling so I can tune out this boring class. I look outside the window trying to entertain myself because this lesson sure isn't doing it.

I stare as the cars drive past. That's when I felt a cold shiver come over me, and run down my body. I felt a pair of cold eyes watching me. I turn my head slowly around the room trying to find who's watching. Only to find that nobody was looking at all. Hmm suspicious.

But from the corner of my eye in the back of the class I see one person looking at me.


Why is he looking at me? As I turn my head to look outside the window again hoping he would stop looking before I start to blush, the teacher says my name loudly to which everyone else's heads turns away from the teacher to look at me. Great, not exactly what I wanted.

"Miss (l/n), keep your eyes on the board. Not outside the window. Now can you tell me what happened in the year 1693 ? Mrs. Welch says abruptly before smacking the board with her musty hands. I drew a complete blank, what happened in 1693? I couldn't find any clue to what we were talking about on the whiteboard or my notes.

"Salem Witch Trials" says a soft whisper from the back of the class

I turned my head around quickly to find who said that but couldn't quite make out who did since there were about 5 other kids back there. I had only 2 suspects that could've said it. Sasuke or Naruto, but since Naruto isn't the brightest I figured it had to be Sasuke.

"Erm, Salem Witch Trials..?" The teacher could tell I was guessing by the tone of my voice but she let it slide anyways. "Good you actually know what we're talking about. Don't look outside the window again or I will move your seat." I roll my eyes and go back to listening to the old b- I mean teacher. I look back at Sasuke and we make eye contact.

—43 minutes later—

Mrs. Welch finishes up the class and says "Okay students, get your stuff ready to go to the next class. The next few minutes is free time." Ugh about time. I put my notebook back in my backpack and stare blankly out a window trying to think. Why did Sasuke save my ass?

After a minute I gathered my courage to go up to Sasuke and ask why he saved me from a detention, but the bell had just rang and students started pouring out the classroom. 

The Boy in the Back of the Class (sasukexreader)Where stories live. Discover now