Sarah Palma: So Kai how did it feel floating in space?
Kai: it felt like I was in an air bubble in space
Sarah Palma: you wasn't in a bubble you was floating around in the air in space. I think it's kinda cute and weird at the same time.
Sarah Palma: So Zane how did you feel when you laid eyes on Pixel?
Zane: I felt kinda horny at first and then seeing how vital she is to the mission I wanna marry her after the third season. I wanna have kids by Pixel.
Sarah Palma: So Jay and Cole why do you both like Nya?
Jay: Cole is a girlfriend thief.
Cole: hay now! Nya likes me. She mentioned having kids by me.
Sarah Palma: I saw she likes you and Jay. And Nya can't decide who she wants to date on the recent episode.
Kai: so Sarah Palma wanna have me as your boyfriend? Since i don't have not have a boyfriend so yes. Even though I'm a made up character by dpalma herself.
Kai: I know dpalma she give me a room in El Palma DVD in her gemstone made of mansion in the afterlife she believes there is.