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A/N: I ran out of space on the description, so here's the disclaimer. All rights for the characters and The School for Good and Evil go to Soman Chainani. The only thing I own is the parts of the plot where
(Y/N) changes something drastically.
Sorry if it's terrible and short this is my first School for Good and Evil Fanfic.
3rd POV
   (Y/N) had been raised on fairy tales in Gavaldon, however unlike the other girls who idolized princesses, (Y/N) found herself attached to stories of knights and chivalry. (Y/N) was made an outcast by the other girls her age, when she voiced her opinion that princesses were weak and self centered, and that she'd much rather be a knight.
   She thought that knights were amazing because they were selfless and helped anyone in need with no reward necessary, also they didn't need to be saved, or find love to be happy. In short they were self reliant.     
   While the other girls primped and preened pretending to be princesses, (Y/N) went along friendless, but not hopeless. (Y/N) took to helping every person she could. Unlike the other girls who all wore dresses, (Y/N)'s mother made her a special set of clothes, they were like the boys' clothes but more feminine.
  (Y/N) quickly became a town hero, having defeated a bear that was terrorizing Gavaldon with nothing but her wits. She had climbed a tree, and pulled back a big branch. When the bear had chased her into the proper position she released the branch and it smacked the bear between the eyes, promptly killing it.    
   Some girls like Sophie still ridiculed (Y/N) making fun of her (H/L), (H/C) hair, saying it clashed with her (E/C) eyes, and saying how strange her way of acting and dressing was.     
  Nobody saw this though and thought Sophie was the model of a perfect princess. When the two girls were of age to be kidnapped by the School Master, all of Gavaldon waited with baited breath wondering who would be taken to represent the School for Good, alongside Agatha-the town witch-girl- who everyone predicted would be taken for Evil, the princess or the knight.
(Y/N)= Your name
(H/L)= Hair length
(H/C)= Hair Color
(E/C)= Eye Color
A/N: sorry that it's short it will get better as I go on(hopefully)

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