➝ chapter two - dead body search (part two)

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One of Ivy's favourite times of the school year.
Lydia and Jackson were throwing one of her annual back to school parties like every year.
Stiles had offered to give the girl a ride to the party as Scott was taking Allison.
Stiles urgently needed to tell his female best friend about something he didn't want to say over the phone.

"Another one Jackson and Lydia's parties" Elizabeth sighed entered the walk in closet where Ivy was adding last minute touches to her outfit.
"You know the rules, Ivy" Elizabeth warned the girl with a smile.

"Drink - but not too much. Don't do something you wouldn't do, yada yada yada" she waved her hand. "I know the drill"
"Stiles is here, by the way" Elizabeth told the girl before giving her a kiss on the forehead and leaving.

Her red lips turned into a smile when she saw best friend sitting in his iconic blue jeep.
There was something off about the boy.
Stiles was usually happy, like all the time. He would sometimes be the only reason Ivy smiled.
It was rare for her to see Stiles upset about anything.

"You okay, bubba?" She slightly shoved the boy trying to get a happy reaction out of him.
"Something bad is going to happen and I'm worried about Scott. He nearly attacked me,Ivy" the Stilinski boy explained.

Ivy hated seeing Stiles like this, but deep down she knew underneath his bony figure and all the sarcasm he had a heart of gold.

"Don't worry too much about him, Stiles. If we work together I'm sure we can work this out" she placed her hand on the boys shoulder.
"Do you wanna party or not?" She smirked at the boy who smiled in response, he started the blue jeep.

It wasn't like before the duo made it to the party that was already filled with drunk teens.

The petite red head was quick to make her way to the kitchen to get a red cup filled with alcohol.
At most parties she either danced, made out with a jock - if she could find the right one or stand around the kitchen in boredom, that's when she'd know the part was too dead for her.

Her read heels stepped into the teen filled backyard, where the party really was.
She saw Scott with the new girl she never got around to introducing herself to.

Although the two looked super close at the moment Ivy thought it was a now or never situation.
"Hey guys" she greeted the two brunettes.
The soon to be couple pulled apart at the sound of the other girls voice.

"Hey" they said in unison.
"I'm Ivy" Ivy put her hand out for a hand shake to the brunette, who nicely shook her hand.

"I'll leave you to it. You seemed super couple-y before I got here. Have fun" she smiled before turning her back and rolling her eyes and walking away.

Pamela Isley was on a counter making out with a random jock from the lacrosse team when Stiles quickly came rushing in.
His pale hands grabbed Ivy off the counter and towards the house door to leave.

"Scott nearly turned and Derek took Allison home" he spoke panicking.
The skinny boy was dragging Ivy along with him to the blue jeep.
"I'm sure she's fine" she slurred.

Stiles knew it was a bit of the alcohol speaking.
He thought now would be the best time to take her home before she drank anymore.
When the blue jeep parked at the Argent residence Stiles sped out the car knocking on the brown doors multiple times before it was opened by Victoria Argent, Allisons' mother.

Allison was at home after all.
"False alarm?" Icy slurred the question.
"Yep. False alarm" Stiles whispered wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans.

Poison Ivy - Teen Wolf [1] (temporary hold) Where stories live. Discover now