Rido Kuran: Imagine you were the one that got away

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Rido wasn't the prime example of a regal vampire. He drank too much until utter intoxication and although acceptable, he fuelled the obsession with his sister with meaningless fantasies. Rido was a man who played life by ear and walked a journey that held no rhyme or reason. Maybe that's why you loved him.

With your usually structured family and routined days nothing felt exciting but your best friend's older brother. Unlike Juuri, your eyes followed him and remained to do so throughout high school. You didn't know he was a vampire but even still, you could sense an ancient darkness shroud his body.

Yet, despite this, his unpredictable nature drew you in and drowned you in a drunken state of want and admiration. You weren't the prettiest girl by far, that was a fact you grew up knowing, but those thoughts of insecurity melted under his subtle touches.

At first, it was an experiment, to see how far you could both get before getting caught. Initially, his hand would skim yours as you walked by, his fingers barely curling over yours before he continued onward and let go; the mere heat of them made your heart flutter and cheeks stain with a flirtatious blush. To test the waters further, he would wait until you left the small study group with Juuri, from her room you would travel to the kitchen and there he would slowly place his wide hands on your waist. They would travel across to your stomach and the longer you allowed him to stay, letting his thin digits leave trails of fire across your clothed skin, the quicker you fell. But, you never let them stray further.

Instead, in those moments in the kitchen, you let him wrap his arms around you and rest his forehead on your shoulder as you prepared a snack. On the days he would hold tighter than usual you could tell the isolation of himself against the world was creeping into his thoughts and poisoning his mind until he felt like a shell of a person. That's when you would raise a single hand and ruffle those perfect locks of chestnut curls in an attempt to silently tell him you were there.

Overall, it was a strange relationship built on simple intrigue and want. Some days, without Juuri knowing you would visit just to see Rido. The Kuran siblings lived together peacefully and you didn't want to ruin that with intertwining tensions becoming apparent; you didn't want Juuri to think different of you because you slept with her brother now and again.

Rido was addicting- that was the only word that could justify this. He pulled you into his depths with no ounce of mercy and crushed your pristine flower without consequence; that was the way Rido liked it. He was a taint of temptation that slowly stained every inch of your body.

Until one night, everything was a guarantee, a guarantee you would no longer suffer mundane living with strict rules and structure. But, that soon came to end as you found your touches becoming careful and loving during sex, it became clear when you no longer called it f*cking.

"You're quiet" he commented after one session, your bodies both sticky with sweat and your torso raw with hickies.

"Hm," You hummed from a daze. You were only focused on his unnaturally slow heartbeat and the heat which now radiated off your lover like a furnace.

"A man would think you were disappointed with his performance",

"You're not just any man Rido" you smirked as you turned in his hold to rest your chin on the Pureblood's chest.

"Still-" he shrugged before cupping your cheek, "- I've never seen you think so hard",

"There's a lot to think about",

"Is it Juuri?", your heart tightened and the breath caught in your throat. No, it wasn't Juuri but whenever you thought of her you grew oddly jealous of Rido's protective nature over her.

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