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insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person becoming a danger to themselves or others, though not all such acts are considered insanity.

the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.

My name is Noah Edwards. I am a phycoloigist in training. I have always had a passion for the human mind. How it works, what makes people different. Good vs evil. I have recenty had a call to come to the sunshine valley insane asylum as their recent phycoligist past, they won't tell me the details but I guess he just wasn't the man for the job, couldnt handle seeing the insane? but I find it a challenge and I like a challenge. A little background on the asylum, it was originally a prison, until people started bringing in the law of insanity and the criminals must be placed not in prison but in a different place. They opened a new prison and moved the insane into the building. It is called Catatonia.

I am honestly not scared, many of my friends and family are terrified for me but I am fasinated.

I take an hour car ride, past the city and into the forest area, until I see it the building wasnt at all what I thought it would look like, I heard stories of how the bricks would fall, tree branches woud swing and hang out of the windows. It looked normal, a normal buliding in a normal town. But I won't deny I was just a tiny bit afraid of what was behind the cold stones that held in the crazy. I let out a breath of air picked up my brief case, slammed my car door and made my way to the building. I could hear screaming, crying, laughing and slamming of doors and running. Lots of running. I wiped of the sweat that covered my forehead and looked up to see a woman's figure standing looking at me through the window. I waved with a smile until she backed up and walked away. My smile faded as I entered through what was known to as 'the gates of hell'. 

'' Ah mr edwards'' a woman says coming in for a hug, '' you must be mrs gracen?'' i say releasing my arms from her shoulders. '' We can't thank god that you are here'' she says smiling scanning me from shoe to hat. '' well it's entierly my pleasure'' I say biting my lip. '' Would you like a tour of the buliding before you start your sessions?'' she says gesturing upstairs. '' that would be wonderful'' i say going to pick up my bried case but it's not there. '' good lord'' i say holding in the word fuck. '' It seems someone has taken my brief case'' i say annoyed. She goes to speak but then looks behind me, '' simon'' she says laughing and walking past me. I turn to see a tiny man rocking on a chair holding my brief case. '' simon why did you take this? it doesnt belong to you'' she says patting him on the head. He giggles. I walk over and smile '' hello, it seems like you have mistaken that as to being yours sir, may I have it back if you would be so kind?'' i ask politely awaiting an answer. He spits in my face and laughs in an insane tone. ''Simon!'' she yells hitting him on the head, I wipe the spit of my face and neil down and grab my case. '' punishments await'' she says standing up and walking with me. '' i hate that tiny shit of a man, killed his baby sister, cut of her toes and then burried her alive'' she says raising an eyebrow. It scared me but made me more curious as to what other stories there are behind these walls.

'' Now this is the main hall, we use this for the patients to come and go as they please, guards at each door of exits, all staff are armed with atopian, a needled made for shutting off the feeling in the legs and arms, you will get one don't you worry Noah'' she says passing me one needled. i smile and grab it off her. '' Im sure I wont need it, I hope to trust them and let them trust me'' i say putting it in my pocket. She stops me. '' Noah, Im going to be honest with you, you are putting a brave face but these are not normal people, muderers who have a mental problem which allows them to want to do it repeatedly, they are crazy, no hope for them, phycopaths with no remorse, please don't treat them human'' she says. '' ma'm just because they have a mental problem'' i say standing above her. '' does not mean they are any less then us, they are human just like you and I '' i say proudly. She frowns. '' i see '' she says '' now lets continue shall we?'' she says lifting up her long dress and walking through the first floor, The stories of the buliding go up by insanity, The very top floor is for the people who even if you say they are human, they are not'' she says as serious as anyone could get. '' they are monsters that are locked up alone, tied up with no communication'' she says before walking. I wanted to communicate with them though.We walk through the first floor with had cells like cages containing them. '' hello Tranquil floor, this is Noah your new phycoligist who you will all talk too so say hello'' she says as she keeps walking foward. I look through the bars to see people in corners in balls, or eyes staring at me, they all scream and spit at me. I pick up my speed and walk faster. 

After we go through all the floors we are back downstairs, '' so you come in every 7 am until 11pm understood? you talk to every patient and report us if anything is putting staff, yourself and the patience life at risk understood?'' she says putting her foot down firmly. '' I 100% understand.

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