Chapter 5- what is happening?!?!

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I was trying to process all the information, what were they saying?? and what do they mean?. But the first thought that was in my head was Valerie

.. Is she okay?,  why is she not back ?? and then all of a sudden my thoughts were interrupted by a huge earthquake, and no it wasn't just the regular ones that you get here in California(don't even ask I'm used to it) it was a massive earthquake, none like I have ever experienced. Our house started shaking rapidly, the vases, pots, and other vessels started shattering into pieces. 

Everything started falling apart, extremely horrified my dad and mom quickly grabbed my hand and they went downstairs to the basement where we hid under the table. 

Both of them looked horrified, "Is everyone okay?" my dad asked 

"yeah I'm fine," my mom said 

" and what about you Izzy are you alright?"   

" yeah just a little shook but I'm fine" 

" JUST A LITTLE?!?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!"  my mom exclaimed 

" Yeah she looks a little too pale, we should get her to the doctor,"   My dad said

"Ugh guys I'm fine,"  I said rolling my eyes at them 

" LOOK YOU HAVE A SCRATCH"  both my parents said in unison

"Guys seriously I'm fine," I said  

" No, you don't look fine that scratch looks bad we're going to the doctor" 

" O MY GOSH!" I said 

My scratch wasn't even a scratch it was an inch long 

" We are getting you to the doctor" 

"Yeah definitely, we should just risk our lives to go through the earthquake to get to a doctor's clinic for a scratch right"  I thought sarcastically  

Sometimes they worry too much and they are a little......OK  VERY overprotective 

OK now my thoughts were focused on Valerie 

WHERE IS SHE!?!!?!?!!?!

Just then our huge grand clock fell down with a thud, the earthquake didn't stop 

all our pictures everything started going down 

I could feel a tear roll down from my  eyes

"M-Mom, D-dad where is Valerie" I stammered barely managing to get the words out of my mouth 

"Don't worry she should be coming back now" Dad said but even I could sense how nervous he was 

20 minutes pass and  still no sign of Valerie 

Where is she? I should have gone to her party... why did I say no??!

Me and my good-for-nothing obsession with books what good are they to me now?

"Where is Valerie? we need to call her" my mom said and dialed her number

*BEEP*   her call went into voicemail 

I almost broke down crying   

"Honey It'll be fine, I'm sure Valerie will be back now.." 

But even with my mom trying to console me I was still worried what if something bad happened to her??? I must admit even with all the resentment I felt for her, deep down I still love her, more than anyone else, and right I need to make sure Valerie is okay 

What happened to her????!!?! she should've been back by now......

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