Number 1-Ocarina of Time

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Now, before you start complaining, please note that Ocarina Of Time 3D was my first ever zelda game, so.... Yeah. The music, although not as good as windwakers, is really good. There's Saria's song, which is SUPER CATCHY and the gerudo fortress song, which is awesome. The plot, although cliche, was the first ever zelda game to bring that much depth to the entire franchise, even surpassing a link to the DAMN PAST. The boss fights were awesome, and I even found the slightest bit of joy in morpha. My favorite boss fight EVER are in here. Volvagia is FUCKING AWESOME and Ganon is just... So awesome that there are no words that can even DESCRIBE how FUCKING AWESOME IT IS. It also is the first 3D zelda game, so that's a plus, too. Also, there's the biggoron sword. Don't even ask how much this made life easier! Sure, it has its iffy parts, but that's with every game. The water temple was a pain, but it was the first water dungeon in the series, so you gotta give it SOME points. Ok I take that back the water temple was horrible. But then again, all of the water temples were horrible except for ancient cistern in skyward sword. Well, anyway, there's just nothing to say left that's bad. And it would be boring if I kept babbling about how good this game is. So, in my opinion, ocarina of time is the best 3D zelda, game, and a true relic in time.(No pun intended.)

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