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Todaroki fell backwards kind of and stuttered "D..deku"he looked the boy up and down and smiled "why!?" The little green haired cactus couldn't take it anymore he exploded confessing everything to him "I'm your secret admirer ok I'm the one who puts notes on your coffee I love the way your smile looks in the sunlight the way your so polite and and ...todoroki I guess what I'm saying is I like you " he started panting catching his breath as the red and white head boy stayed silent "oh mydoria that's simply wonderful but.. no" he turned around walking off and from that day the boy was reoccurring at the coffee shop they spent days together talking without even realising half the day had past he placed his lips across the hole in the lid sealing it as the warm chai pepper mint latte slipped smoothly down his throat deku watched this still blabbering on as he stopped and sat daydreaming at the boy he was perfect all together from the way he drank coffee and communicated to the way his hair simply fell in the wind but soon his day dream was broken by a worker from the boys favourite place "erm were closing now so you'll have to be finishing boys "and old woman said in a croaky voice leaning across the sliver metal tray like table to remove the splatters of dried liquid that deku and todaroki had spat out from laughing to much as they walked out todaroki turned to deku "my place next time who knows what could happen night midorya " he walked off into the moonlight

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