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By the time I've gotten him all caught up, the sun has just barely risen above the edge of the horizon. The rising sun letting its soft rays of warmth flood into my chilled bones. And as I take a deep breath, having finally finished my tale of woe, I can tell Crest's opinion of me has changed significantly.

"That's amazing! I wish I could live in your world. The food sounds a lot better as long as it's from your humans anyway! And these car things you've been yammering about... they sound awesome!" He cries, his tale swishing the grass a thousand miles an hour.

Laughing, I shake my head. "They're pretty cool... I just hope I get to drive my truck one last time." Crest doesn't reply, instead he chooses to stare down at his paws. Did I say something to upset him? I worry, not wanting to lose the only friendly thing I've met in a while.

"Chase... if what you're saying is true, then you're really just a dog in the wrong place at the wrong time." He says after a while, finally breaking the daunting silence. I chuckle, realizing that he's right. "Yeah, I guess so."

He turns his head back to me and opens his mouth to say something when another wolf walks up from behind. "Alphas on his way, he's got a plan for the dog." He woofs, never acknowledging my presents. "I have a name beast; in case you would care to know!" I call from my place in the pit.

The wolf turns to Crest again, "Don't grow attached to it Crest, the pack is going to have a blast with this one. Don't you just love the Spartan games?" On that note, he walks out of my sight. Crest looks down on me with pity in his eyes, "Chase...thanks for speaking with me. Be strong pup." Crest says, his head bowed as Alpha's shadow blanks out the light coming from the sinking sun. I nod my head, my lips sealed as I stare into the eyes of a beast ready to see my end.

"Get out of the hole." He barks, stepping away from the uncovered edge. Maybe they're letting me go! I struggle to find my paws, my body still battered from the chase through the forest. I brace my paws against the back of the hole, I just need a running start... I spring across the small running space and leap up onto the ledge.

Dragging my back paws over the edge, I quickly stand up, giving a quick look around my surroundings. I'm locked into a river valley, the thick forestry engulfing the surrounding area into a land thick with shadow.

There are many wolves around me, their scents all lingering and massing together, seeming to overpower my senses. My eyes jump from each one until I find Crest, his eyes clouded by sadness, he knows my fate.

The beastly alpha stands up as I'm escorted from the hole, his dark gaze trapping me. With tail high, I do my best to stride with as much strength as I can.

"Your end comes now dog, any last requests?" He growls as he stalks near. I search his eyes for a soul, his maw for a grin, anything I could think of to say was lost in the coolness of this dog's heart.

I heave a sigh, slowly tilting my head to gaze at the blue skies on last time goodbye guys... I'm sorry I couldn't find my way out of this one... I think sadly as Alpha snarls and lunges for my throat. Closing my eyes tight, I wait for my world to cease, all the fight out of me. At long last fate has failed me. I guess this is it...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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