Hello Again

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When you got to work, you stuffed your face with the display cakes. You were starved, tired and sore all over. You felt gross.

"Woah, woah, woah there! hey, chubby bunny, those are for the customers!" Jessy snatches a plate away from you.

You make grabby hands for the cheesecake "c'mon man, I'm starving. I forgot to eat dinner!"

He puts a hand on his hip "that's always your excuse" he rolls his eyes, taking the untouched treat away.

The bell to the shop dings and you haul yourself up from your table and get behind the counter as the person shakes off their umbrella, placing it by the door.

"Hi, what can I get-" when you actually look at the customer, you notice its the man who walked you home last night.

"Ah, can I get a large black coffee. Take avway?" he was busy digging out his wallet, but when he handed you the money, he seemed surprised to see you.

"Hello again" he gives you a smile, putting the money into your palm.

"Hi..." you put the money in the register and hand him his change.

"Jessy! Large black coffee!" you yell, scribbling down his order on top of a coffee cup. Before Jessy sweeps the lid and cup from your hand, getting to work.

"It's Y/n, right?"

"Yep, uh... Henrik?" you try to make yourself look busy, scribbling on your notepad. But see him nod out of the corner of your eye.

He then peers over the notepad at you. "How are you?" he asks.

"Oh, I'm alright thanks. Did... you want to buy a cake with that?" you frown, putting down your notepad.

Henrik shakes his head with a breathy laugh "no, I just vwanted to have a conversation. Alzo, nice drawingz" he comments, pointing down to your notepad that you doodled on.

You force a laugh and drag the notepad off the counter out of embarrassment. He seemed amused.

"Your hair is less frizzy zhan yesterday" Henrik points out, tilting his head slightly.

"Uh... yeah. My hair puffs up in the rain." you awkwardly answer.

He laughs "lookz like you've got your own umbrella"

You shrink a little, tightening your shoulders. "Yeah... It's like a bird's nest"

Henrik stops, probably noticing your crippling confidence by the second.

"You're kicking yourself if you believe zhat your hair looks like a bird'z nest. I still think it lookz lovely-"

"Large Black Coffee!" Jessy yells, making you jump slightly.

Jess puts the coffee on the counter and goes back to whatever the hell he was doing before, giving you a frown as he passes.

"Zhank you" Henrik chirps, picking up his coffee.

"H-Have a nice day" you mumble.

"You too!"

When Henrik grabbed his umbrella and left, Jessy came up behind you and accidentally scared the life out of you.

He snickers.

"No homo, but-"

"Jessy, if you finish that sentence, I'll shove my foot so far up your ass, you'll be able to taste my shoe"


G'day, just letting you know I'm going to be taking a short break for the next few weeks due to having built-up stress from my exams and I want to spend my winter holidays doing some study, seeing a few friends and hanging out with my family when we go skiing.

By all means, if ya wanna talk to me, go straight ahead. DMs are open for all. I just won't be writing for a couple of weeks. I hope that's understandable. 

I hope you have a nice day x


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