March 29, 2018 - 01:31 - Daegu, South Korea
"To S,
Thanks for the congrats. It's been a little over a month now. Most of the kids here range from 9 to 16 in age. I've been doing my best, but it's already really difficult. The kids are all motivated the same, so it's not too bad, but I've already had my new shoes stolen and the kids aren't necessarily the nicest here.
I'm sorry you're having a rough time at school. I'll be your friend. Please continue going to school. You're very smart and talented and it would be a waste to quit now. Maybe one day after we graduate, we can meet.
Thanks for the song. It's really nice to listen to. I don't think I have a favorite song right now, but I think I have a few you would like. I'll send some to you.I hope you're sleeping well. You're doing great."
Letters to S / Letters to 민수
Genç KurguSubmitted by AraWill (Ara) and JeanSoak (Jinseok)