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Entry 2:

          you know what this may help.. even if I don't wanna admit to it. though I haven't slept in almost two weeks as well as eating... What's wrong with me? is there something wrong with me?! I've been doing the animatronics work as well as jon's without him or the others knowing. I'm almost done just have one more thing to do. but I can't. I can't stay awake. I need to go talk later.

~Bryan Films

Molten's Pov

I was just about to see what Bryan was doing until I saw him writing in a Book? did he actually take up Jons offer? that's new but he looks extremely tired and I haven't seen him eat in a while either... No, wait I can't care for him but I kinda feel bad I know he's the one doing everyone's work just to prove that he's not a ' Bad business owner ' though he really isn't we just don't see what he does for us we just see what he does wrong.

" Hey, Bryan? Are you... ok? " 

" Uh yeah I'm good why do you care? * not like anyone else does *... "

" Bryan I heard that and I kinda do care lefty would be worried if he saw you right now. I'm bringing you to bed whether you like it or not. "

" Wait what no I still have work to do- "

          I didn't let Bryan finish his sentence before I grabbed him with my wires and took him into the side room in his office before placing him on the bed and pulling the covers on him.  the second I placed him on the bed and draped the covers over him he passed out. ' I guess he was really tired ill just leave him here and put that book in his desk so no one touches it. ' once I did that I left and went to find Boss- I mean Jon and tell him what had happened. he wasn't even struggling or whining when I grabbed him... odd.

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