†explaining the characters.†

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Hello everyone. Great to see you here. As you know I haven't been posting a lot because Wattpad won't save them and let me post it which is stupid because you're seeing this now and the only way for me to post the next chapter is rewriting it all over again. And call me lazy but I don't want to retype +3k words. Now I understand if some people are confused on the plot now because it got really intense in the last chapter so I'm going to explain the characters personality, feelings, powers etc. I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry about the chapters lately because I'm in a different place then my home town and I'm trying to get use to the environment. I hope you understand if not, you can be angry at me and comment on how angry you are. Right now it's 1 am and I'm going to try to explain everything. Thanks and once again, enjoy.

Stephen Ng:

Age; 16
Personality: 50/50 on being an asshole or a simple nice guy.
Best Friend: Jay Ko
Person he Hates most: Daniel Lim
Crush: Hosuh Lee
Species: Human
Lives: Montreal
Powers: None.
Status: Alive

Hosuh Lee:

Age: 17
Personality: sensitive, caring and yet mysterious at times. 1st kindest from the kingdoms
Best Friend: Unknown.
Person he Hates most: Jay Ko
Crush: Stephen Ng
Species: Merman
Lives: Malmatthews
Powers: Hypnotic singing voice and eyes.
Status: Alive

Jay Ko:

Age: 16
Personality: over protective kind friend but can be a smart asshole
Best Friend: Stephen Ng
Person he hates most: Hosuh Lee
Dating: Daniel Lim
Species: Human
Lives: Montreal
Powers: None
Status: Alive

Daniel Lim:

Age: 16
Personality: Kind and yet sarcastic
Best Friend: Ann Melody
Person he hates most: None
Dating: Jay Ko
Species: Human
Lives: Montreal
Powers: None
Status: Alive

Elias Lim:

Age: 14
Personality: shy and quiet
Best Friend: Gavin Ng
Person he hates most: None
Crush: None
Species: human
Lives: Montreal
Powers: none
Status: Alive

Ann Melody:

Age: 15
Personality: devilish kindness
Best Friend: Daniel Lim
Person she hates most: None
Crush: None
Species: human
Lives: Montreal
Powers: none
Status Alive

Gavin Ng:

Age: ??¿¿?
Personality: corrupt
Best Friend: Elias Lim
Person he hates: ??¿¿?
Crush: None
Species: human
Lives: ?????
Powers: ????
Status: Unknown

Joey Lee:

Age: 14
Personality: young and shy
Best friend: none
Person he hates most: none
Crush: none
Species: Mermaid
Lives: Malmatthews
Powers: fast swimming
Status: Alive

Ivu Sharklife:

Age: 17
Personality: mysterious and 2nd kindest one from the kingdoms
Best Friend: Pau Octo
Person she hates most: Secret.
Crush: none
Species: Shark
Lives: Sea Light
Powers: teleportation and Freezing them still for a certain amount of time
Status: Alive

Blank Crablank

Age: 18
Personality: manipulated bitch. 4th kindest one
Best Friend: Yanna San
Person she hates most: Pau Octo & Hosuh Lee
Crush: None
Species: powerful crab
Lives: Kelp Forest
Powers: Cause nightmares and taking souls.
Status: Alive

Yanna San:

Age: 8
Personality: Loyal
Best Friend: Blank Crablank
Person she hates most: none
Crush: Secret
Species: Rare Puffer fish
Lives: Kelp Forest
Power: blowing bubbles from her mouth and poison bites
Status: Alive

Cran Jellydos

Age: 16
Personality; quiet and sneaky 3rd kindest one
Best Friend: None
Person she hates most: None
Crush: None
Species: Jellyfish
Lives: Melody Lake
Powers: electricity and mind manipulation
Status: Alive

Pau Octo:

I hope you enjoyed some of these guys personalities etc. I will edit Pau's information when her chapter is on and open. If you guys really like the book and want to see references to do fanart then you should see the comic! The comic is only on Instagram! I love this project and I'm so happy this 1 year of planning this au is coming to life. Thank you all so much...I can't believe I got this far.

Here's the account @DanPlan.siren.au Now it's 2 am here and Wattpad fucking didn't save this and closed on me 18 times (yes I counted) and now I'm pissed off hahahaha. Is it just me? Yes? Ok-

Alrighty, good night/morning for you all and I'll try to post chapter 25 soon!
Vanna Banana out•°~💞

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