˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘪

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"Is Atsumu sulking again?" [Y/n] asked the curly haired, outside hitter of Black Jackals. [Y/n] glanced over at the said setter who was currently scratching and groaning in frustration. He backed up for another attempt, but the serve ended up being Atsumu's normal jump serve— it went out. "Kiyoomi, I suddenly regret showing him Mikhail Orlov's serves." [Y/n] let out a deep sigh as she turned over to the male with a face mask. "I really think he can do it. Perhaps I was too.. hopeful?"

Sakusa looked over to the blonde setter. "No. He can probably do it," Sakusa muttered. He unzipped his MSBY jacket and handed it to [Y/n]. Then, Sakusa took off his face mask and put it into his jacket pocket. "I'm getting him to set me some balls." Neatly folding Sakusa's jacket in her arm, she sighed again before continuing with her manager duties. She can never understand the heads of volleyball players no matter how much she studies them. This is applicable for a certain white-black haired male. Speaking on which—

"[Y/n]-chan!" the owl-like male sauntered over towards the [h/c] haired manager. He looked uncharacteristically tired. But then, [Y/n] saw Bokuto rub his stomach. "Can you go buy me some of Myaa-sam's onigiris?"

"Hmm.. I guess I have time to spare," [Y/n] looked at the time on her phone before smiling to Bokuto. "I should visit Osamu too. Maybe he will know how to cheer his twin up— oh do you want the usual flavor?"

"Yes! Man, [Y/n]-chan you're a life savior. I was about to die of hunger," Bokuto pulled [Y/n] in a tight hug as he used his cheeks to rub against her [h/c] hair.

"Kotaro! Too tight!" [Y/n] frantically said as she patted his arm. With that Bokuto immediately released the female. "Well I'm going to go. Don't cause too much trouble."


"Osamu, how do you cheer up that idiotic twin of yours?" [Y/n] looked at the dark haired male smiling in amusement as he started to make some rice balls. [Y/n] has a hand on her cheek while the other rested on the table. Her fingernails are gently tapping against the wooden surface as she looked at Osamu— hoping for an answer that would solve her woes.

"What's he attempting this time?" Osamu asked the MSBY manager.

"I showed him Orlov's serve and he immediately wanted to copy it. But that's not happening," [Y/n] rubbed her temples as she made a prominent frown. "He's even messing up his normal jump serves. Osamu, you have an idea on how to bring him out of the dumps right?" Osamu merely smiled as he placed a plate in front of [Y/n].

"It's on the house," Osamu said. [E/c] orbs blinked at the Miya twin for a couple moments before she placed both of her hands on her chest. Amusement arose once again in Osamu as he looked at [Y/n]'s actions.

"Osamu, have I ever told you how much I love you?" [Y/n] dramatically looked at Osamu with a touched expression— he may as well be a god at this point. To be honest, anyone who gives free food is a god.

"You should say that the next time Tsumu brings you here," Osamu's corners rose as he started to prepare the onigiris for the Black Jackal members. "Maybe you should also wear that black dress too." The [h/c] haired female stopped mid-bite. She looked at Osamu with an incredulous gaze.

"Did Atsumu—"

"He told me you turned him on. Didn't know you had such a fatal weapon," Osamu smiled innocently.

"Take out all fatty tuna in Atsumu's onigiri. I swear he drains my life force. From randomly taking pictures to posting them to— ARGH!" [Y/n]'s cheeks puffed out as she crossed her arms and leaned back into the seat.

"You know," Osamu looked around the restaurant before looking back at [Y/n]. "Ever since you entered, there seems to be more customers. You should come here more often." [Y/n] immediately turned around and looked at her surroundings. She was met with several pair of eyes as well as whispers. Well, it was no wonder. Rumors about MSBY's pretty manager entering Onigiri Miya spread like wild fire. It was no wonder as Atsumu's fans would usually visit said restaurant because of it's affiliation with the volleyball player. Where there is Atsumu fans, there is bound to be people who recognize [Y/n].

"Should I take a picture and post it on Instagram?" [Y/n] asked sarcastically. Osamu merely gave an eyes closed smile.

"Hm? [Y/n]-chan?" [Y/n] turned over at the sound of her name. Her eyes widened as she saw the familiar face with glasses. "Keiji-san! Long time no see! How are you?" [Y/n] exclaimed as her face lit up at the sight of the former Fukurodani setter as well as Bokuto's precious babysitter.

"I'm good. How about you?" Akaashi asked as he took a seat beside the [h/c] haired girl.

"I'm alive I guess," [Y/n] sighed. "Being the manager for a chaotic team is rather hard— especially if you have a Bokuto Kotaro on the team. I swear, he was limitless energy. But then again, he can fall asleep so easily," [Y/n] ranted. She then turned towards the dark haired man. "And you know, just recently, when I sat next to Kotaro on our bus, he hugged me like a teddy bear— for the whole ride too!" Akaashi chuckled as the manager talked about his former captain and ace. It does really seem like Bokuto didn't change in terms of personality.

"Bokuto did that to Konoha once," Akaashi said as he remembered his high school days.

"Ahh poor Konoha," [Y/n] said as she sighed. "Are you on your break?"

"No I just got off work," Akaashi replied. "I wanted some onigiris so I stopped by here."

"Ah I see. I'm here because Kotaro wanted some onigiris," [Y/n] said. "And to tell Osamu about the recent antics of his twin brother." Osamu then placed a plate down in front of Akaashi. That's when the two started to eat. As [Y/n] ate the first bite, [e/c] eyes looked at Osamu. "The rice is different." Osamu smiled.

"Yes. They're from someone special," Osamu replied.


"[Y/n]-chan," Atsumu said as he stuffed his face full of his brother's onigiri. A disappointed expression was on the setter's face. With each and every bite, Atsumu stared at their manager harder.

"Atsumu, I don't know what you are talking about," [Y/n] laughed nervously as she handed the setter his water bottle. "I merely went on an errand and things happened—"

"Is this why you and my twin brother took a picture? Without me?" Atsumu stuffed the whole onigiri in his mouth

"You guys are twins. Just imagine Osamu is you," [Y/n] replied. "Plus, we have so much photos with each other— you created an album Atsumu. Isn't that unfair to Osamu?"

"Yeah, but you're the the manager of MSBY— not the manager of Osamu's onigiri's shop," Atsumu replied— throwing the last bits of his onigiri into his mouth.

"You're like a child. I wonder if your intelligence dropped five years again," [Y/n] said as she used a napkin to wipe the grains of rice away from his mouth. "Oh and Osamu said you should visit him someday."

"Yeah I will visit him alright— maybe I should drag you along too," Atsumu muttered.

"No thank you."


Later that week, [Y/n] got a report from Osamu that Atsumu seemed to know what to do. It came with a barrage of text from Atsumu that questioned why [Y/n] said that she over Osamu. Of course all [Y/n] can reply is that she loves them both equally— like a mother telling her children that she has no favourites. However, there is always a favourite. But which twin is the question. As [Y/n] placed her phone down to get a glass of water, her ringtone stared to sing through the air. The manager quickly went over to see who it is. She smiled. It was an old friend and volleyball nerd. Picking up the phone, [Y/n] accepted the call.

"Hello? Wakatoshi! Long time no see!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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