Chapter 30

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Morgan awoke to hear her phone ringing. She sigh grabbing it, she answered and put it to her ear. She didn't once look at the contact ID or open her eyes.

"Yea" she said and her low sleep voice came through the phone.

"Morgan where you at" Tasia voice came through the phone.

"The bed" she said, she was half way asleep

"Why didn't you tell me you wasn't coming back lastnight." Tasia asked and Morgan was hardly listening.

"I don't know, why what happened" she asked and Miles rolled over putting the pillow over his head as he laid in the end of the couch.

"Girl what hotel you at" she asked and she sigh rolling over on her side.

"Miles house" she told her and Tasia smacked her teeth.

"Uh-Uh Morgan you came down for me not him... he got a girlfriend anyways don't he" Tasia said and Morgan sigh sitting up.

"Tasia I'm on my way up there" she told her as she threw the covers off herself sitting up.

"Alright hurry up cause we going out to eat" she said and Morgan hung up, she was so tired.

Her and Miles came up to his apartment and watched True to the Game and Friday. Once the movies went off Morgan was already asleep by the end of Friday so Miles got at the end of the couch and went to sleep.

"Miles" she shook her but he didn't budge.

"Miles" she said and he groaned before going back to snoring.

She grabbed her bag and left. She knew he would probably trip but she did try to wake him up. She left and went upstairs to Tasia and Ben crib. She knocked and Tasia opened the door.

"Goodmorning" Tasia said and Morgan shook her head walking in.

"Morning Tasia, where are we eating at" she asked as she walked to the guest bathroom.

"I want chipotle" Tasia said as she walked behind Morgan.

"Chipotle it is" she said as she put toothpaste on her toothbrush.

Miles got woken up to loud banger on his door. He sat up on the couch rubbing his eyes. He looked over to see Morgan gone. He smacked his teeth grabbing his phone. He sent her a text asking where she was, he forgot all about who was at the door.

"MILES" he heard his momma banging at the door.

He stood up walking to the door opening it. Justice hugged his leg as Junior laid asleep on Miss.Pat chest.

"Uncle Miles" she said as she hugged his leg and he leaned down and picked her up.

"Morning Ma" he greeted her as he turned letting them in.

"Where your shirt" she asked as she closed the door behind herself.

"In my room, what y'all doing here" he asked them as he turned looking at her:

"Jesus you got to many tattoos son, I didn't know you had that many" Miss.Pat said and Miles shook his head.

"I'm getting some on my neck sometimes next month" he said and she sigh shaking her head.

"It's your body, but I came over here because you taking us out today remember" she said and he nodded.

"You right, gimmie a minute let me get ready" he told her and she went and sat on the couch.

After he showered and got hisself together he grabbed his wallet and phone. He walked out his room dressed in all black. Miss.Pat was to much into the stories to even realize he was ready.

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