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It's been two days since the hero set out to his journey, with just the clothes on his back and his trusty long sword, which he bought at the guild. He was the one destined to become the demon lord slayer, or so he thought while sitting at the roots of a pine tree, he sighed. "I've been stalking this plant for some time now and it's well guarded." he sighed heavily. The plant was sleeping just slightly into a cave when the rain began pouring cats and dogs. "Well here goes nothing." he lunged forward head first into the plant. little did he know, the monster can sense when it's being attacked. It woke up, sending it's roots into the ground and using it's vines to attack the adventurer. "I am Takagichi! i am going to slay the demon king!" he yelled out as he slipped on some mud and stumbled upon it's roots. the plant then barricaded him and began strangling him. "I see ... this is the end ... how cold." he struggled and died. a group of B class adventurers came to his rescue, killing the monster, but they were too late. While bringing his body back to the town, the villagers began to mumble. "can't believe he was killed by a level 1 plant monster." "That's a shame." "He was better off in the cottage where he was." "I heard he had no next of kin." "My! how sad." "Well no one's going to miss him." as they placed his body on the wagon, a ray of light emitted from the sky and a beautiful goddess emerged. She was in the form of a child, with pale skin that glowed. Descending with the intention of reviving him and giving him a greater blessing, such awakening his innate latent abilities however, right after the revival, dark energy began gushing out of his body swallowing the town. all the villagers and adventurers began turning into demons of various forms. As the leader of the B class team laid on the ground, looking on as the goddess engulfed in darkness slowly turns into a demon, looks to see the young adventurer's body transforming into something unbelievable he muttered, "what have I done? we shouldn't have brought you here, you doomed us all." it wasn't a hero that was revived but the birth of a blood thirsty demon. The man hand drops and he dies. After the chaos subsides, three days later Takagichi, slowly opens his eyes, to see a little girl looking down onto him, he was startled, he quickly rose up, and he accidentally head-butted the girl, cowering in fear, for all he remembered was being strangled and his life leaving him, crawled away to the corner of the room. What's going on? Where am I? he began shaking, his eyes searching all over for answers when he noticed the child with her hand on her head. He realized he had hit her in his state of shock. "I'm ... I'm sorry." he spoke to her. "Huh?" she replied. "Are you some type of idiot? what type of idiot head buts someone and crawls away?" he stared at her, for her manner of speech didn't match her form. "I forgive you, after all given the situation of course you'll be shocked." she spoke as the screeching of demons echoed through the air, poor Takagichi held his head. They were surrounded by an army of demons.