Bunny, Doggy and Pony went to the hospital, searching for Beary.. Upon going upstairs, Pony saw a strange creature.. He walked to it and that creature tried to scratch Pony, but Pony managed to run, the creature chased Pony, Doggy and Bunny now have the "cure", and Beary said, "You two could try it out first.", Bunny answered, "We'll just give it to her right away.", Beary said, "Alright.", Doggy saw Pony getting chased by an unknown creature.. Then, Foxy stabbed the unknown creature with his knife, Pony thanked Foxy for saving him, Bunny told Pony to go now, but Pony wanted the 3 of them to come, and the three of them did agree to come with him, now, the 4 friends are walking back to the safehouse, but got stopped by something..