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╰┈➤❝[ chapter one ] ❞

Quick Fuck

𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 : mentions of abuse

"ANNA GET YOUR ass in here right now", her father screams as she adds light mascara to her eyes after lightly dusting her cheeks with blush. She's wearing baggy

She even cut her favourite cat t-shirt to make it a crop top, just so she can fit in and maybe even catch a certain somone's eye and not in a friendly way.

"Coming", she mumbles as she places the pink tube down on her vanity. Anna walks down the corridor and into the living room, to find her dad pacing around the room messy. "What's wrong", she keeps her gaze to the floor - scared to look him in his hatred-filled eyes.

"Another one", Martin wrakes his fingers through his aged hair.

"Another what", she asks shyly.

"Another woman who told me she's bloody pregnant", he shrieks.

"That's the second time this year dad and it's only September", Anna mumbles, causing her father to become more enraged.

"What did I tell you about calling me that, I will never be your dad you fucking murderer", he grabs her shoulders and slams her into the wall behind her. "And don't fucking tell me things I already know you bitch".

She struggles to breath as her breath chokes up in the back of her throat; her head becomes queasy and her heartbeat pulses in her head. This isn't anything new to her though. His fingers squeeze her tightly she can barely feel her fingers.

He removes his hands and forcefully slams his fist into the wall next to her, making the picture frame's high right corner pings off of it. The wooden object's lower corner swings down and slices her cheek. She doesn't cry, nothing her father can do to make her cry anymore, she's used to it.

"Now get the fuck out of my sight", he grumbles. She flees the house. Her bag already packed the night before: pens, pencils, notepad, water and two cinnamon buns just incase Vincent attends her school (if not she will just eat the both of them instead.)

。o°✥✤✣    ✣✤✥°o。

"VINCE BRO COME on she's definitely into you", Thomas - Vincent's 'best friend'- persuades him to get with a random girl as they stand outside of the school gates. "Like she always asks to hang out with you, why do you resist? If I were you, I would have hit that by now", he groans before taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Have a little more respect for girls, they aren't toys you can play around with and chuck away once you've done", Vincent rolls his eyes after blowing out a cloud of white smoke.

"Ugh I forgot you were a fucking wetwipe, stop man it ruins your reputation. Do you want everyone to know that you haven't lost your virginity yet", his brunette friend smirks. The curtained haired boy's eyes widened in pure shock - he did not expect that to come out of his friend's mouth. He doesn't think it's that big of a deal anyways, so why does Thomas care so much? "Yeah man I know you're a fucking virgin, at a party just fuck a hot girl. You're supposed to be fucking bitches man, you run the school. Fuck this nerd that's coming up to us", he snickers making Vincent turn his whole body in confusion.


"Vincent", the small blonde girl runs up to the two boys and hugs his waist - his heart thumbing against his chest. "I didn't know you came to this school, I missed you so much even though we saw each other yesterday; look I have two cinnamon buns we can share like we do-", she rambles completely ignoring his friend next to him.

He finds it so cute how her cheeks are red and her eyes are full of excitement, the blonde boy opens his mouth to greet his 'bestie' but Thomas cuts him off instantly with a harsh tone.

"Look whoever you are fuck off, he clearly doesn't know you, fucking slut", he rolls his eyes as his spits the disgusting sentence off bitterly.

"Vincent and I are best friends, we've known each other for ages", she stutters - her confidence drowning and she slowly feels the adrenaline slip away. "Right Vince", she encourages him to speak up. He didn't. Her heart dropped, he wasn't who he said he was. "Remember me silly, it's Anna?", she tries desperately to get him to speak up. He doesn't. It's as though his whole body shut down, I don't know why and he sure as hell doesn't know why he's so suddenly lost for words.

He doesn't do anything, he just stays completely still. Fuck, he thinks to himself. He's really fucked this up now but nothing is coming out. His mouth must look like a puckering fish, the amount of times he's opened and closed it to say something. Yet nothing.

"Boohoo, he's fucked more girls then the hairs on your head. Piss off whore, you were probably just some easy fuck", Thomas laughs sarcastically making Anna's eyes dart open.

"W-what", she whispers out of confusion.

"It means he didn't actually like you, he just wanted to shag you dumbass", Thomas burst out laughing. "But if you're up for it, you're hot so come to mine tonight, yeah? I can show you an even better time", he tries to flirt but Anna quickly steps back from him.

"Oh no thank you", and with that she goes to walk away. "You're a very rude boy Vincent Van Dijk", she mutters as she shuffles passed him. "I hope your next hot chocolate burns your tongue slightly", then she walks towards the main building like a a thick layer of fog surrounded her - No idea where she was in fact going.

And now she finally understood the statement, these boys ain't shiz.

"Anna wait", Ruel throws his cigarette to the floor and stamps on it before turning around to catch up to her but he had already lost her from his eyesight. "Why the fuck would you do that", he hastily shoves Thomas into the metal gate by his shirt collar.

"I did you a favour man, you can't have clingy ass girls be coming up to you like that man", Thomas says. "But dude what the actual fuck, here I was making fun of you for being a virgin but you've already fucked a hot ass girl, I'm proud man", he raises his hand for a high five but obviously doesn't receive one back.

"Shut the fuck up dickhead, I didn't have sex with her for fuck sake. You just ruined any fucking chance I had with her so thanks a fucking lot", Ruel spits at the boy before running towards the main buliding of the school.

Fuck! what a way to start the fucking morning ...

omg sorry i was gone for so long !! i really just forgot to click post 😭 my mistake !!!
i hope you enjoy <3

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