Chapter one: Am I supposed to remember you?

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"Mr Davis!" The nurse greeted, sending him a warm smile. Her white dress contrasted her dark skin. "Miss Archer has been missing you. Why didn't you come yesterday?"

He smiled sadly at her. "Our anniversary is today. I wanted to prepare something first." He ran his hand through his black hair, something he did when nervous. "How is she?" He asked, his voice a whisper.

She sighed, shaking her head. When he looked down, she put her clipboard in her other hand and patted his shoulder. "Hold on, Alex. She'll come back for you."

He sent her a smile. "Thanks, Maddy."

"No problem. You should go now, Dr Sterling is almost with her."

He nodded again, heading to the elevator. Punching in the floor number, he stared down at the white roses in his hand. Camille always loved them. The door opened at the 4th floor. The hallway was empty except for a few nurses with clipboards rushing around. They all greeted him as he walked by.

"143," he muttered under his breath when he approached the door. Pushing it open, he walked in, taking in a deep breath at the sight of her.

Long curly red hair trailing down her arms, beautiful yet pale face and a her slightly plump body. Lowering himself down into the chair beside her bed, he took her hand.

"Hey, honey," he whispered to her sleeping form. Most of the tubes had been removed save for a few necessary ones. "I brought you roses. The white ones." He kissed her limp fingers slowly, wincing at the slight coldness. "Henry said he misses you. Jenny and Mark are finally dating, and Danny's pregnant." He leaned into his seat. "Remember when you bought her? I said you paid her too much attention and you called me a freak for comparing myself to a dog. That annoying mutt is gonna have babies, big white ones like her."

Alex closed his eyes slowly, feeling tears pricking it. It'd been two years since he's heard her bubbly laugh. Two painful years since he saw her beautiful green eyes that reminded him so much of a cat. She'd been in a coma for two freaking years.

Rubbing his eyes slowly, he slid deeper into the chair. Memories flooded him.


"Come on, Archer," he groaned, glaring at her.

"Aww," she laughed, running her fingers through the puppy's white fur. They were sitting in her living room, having coffee and talking about Danielle, her new dog. "You're jealous she's prettier than you. Don't worry, Davis. I won't elope with her."

He groaned again. She laughed again, flipping her hair back. The puppy barked at him in a tiny voice. "She isn't even a guard dog."

"She will be, I'll teach her everything. Stop worrying, Davis, it makes you uglier," she retorted, placing the dog on the floor. Immediately Danielle reached the floor, she scampered to the backdoor, barking at a bird through the glass door.

Alex gathered Camille into his arms, kissed her forehead and settled deeper into the chair. She let out a sigh, snuggling into his warmth.

"Do you have to go today?" She asked, playing with his fingers. Her back was on his chest so she couldn't see the smirk on his face.

"Why? Gonna miss me?" He asked.

She shook her head. "Nah, I wanna know if I'll have to drive myself to work for a week- ouch!" She rubbed her arm that had been assaulted. "Why did you pinch me?" She asked, turning to glare at him.

He pecked her lips. "Nothing," he pecked her again. She turned completely so she was lying on him. Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him fully, letting her emotions lead. He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

To Find You (TO BE REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now