Chapter 20

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The alarm went off as we were still sleeping. Clem turned off the alarm annoyed. Me and Clem were still cuddling.

Y/N: I want to stay here for five more minutes.

Clem giggled.

Clementine: Same here. But we both need to get ready.

Y/N: Fine.

We both got up.

Y/N: You shower first, this is your house. I will make bacon and eggs again. 

Clementine: Okay.

She then kissed my cheek as she went to the bathroom. I went in the kitchen, I made my bacon and eggs, ate it, and then made Clem's bacon and eggs and put it on the table. Then Clem came out in new clothes. 

Clementine: Your turn.

Y/N: Your food is on the table.

Clementine: Thanks.

I then kiss her cheek as I shower. I finish and then went to my bag to put on new clothes. I then see Clem waiting near the door.

Clementine: Ready?

Y/N: Yeah.

We then walk out of the house with our book bags holding hands. We made it to the school and saw Mariana and Sophie worried, they quickly noticed us and ran towards us.  

Sophie: Thank God you are here.

Y/N: What is it?

Mariana: This whole break, Gabe and Minnie wouldn't stop talking, they keep talking about you two. 

Clementine: About what?

Sophie: They plan on separating you two up today, and Minnie will get Y/N, kiss him while you come up to make you think he is cheating on you. 

Clementine: Funny, Y/N told me they could actually plan that.

Y/N: I been in these type of stuff. before.

Mariana: And Gabe plans the same by kissing Clem making you think she is cheating.

Y/N: Me and Clem promised that if we see that, we will know it's their fault.

Clementine: Yeah. Don't worry, they can't break us up.

Sophie: Okay good.

Mariana: Love to hear it.

Then the bell rings.

Y/N: We got to go.

Clementine: Mr. Everett's class. 

Mariana: Love that teacher.

Sophie: Yeah.

We then walk to Mr. Everett's class.

Clementine X Male Reader: High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now