Chapter one

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  Oh god, what did you get your self into? I think as I walk to the main office to get my class schedule. I walk in the bright room and have to restrain myself from covering up my eyes. The walls were a bright white and the floors reflected way to much light. " Can I help you?" a lady behind a large blue desk asks."Um.. yeah I'm Ariana winters I need my class schedule" I say walking over to the desk. " Of course, just a moment" she says and prints something off her computer " Here you go" She says and hand the paper to me. I nod my thanks and walk out the office. I look around and sigh. Ill never be able to find all my classes on time. The school wasn't even that big but compared to my old school this place was a castle.After looking for about 10 minutes I found Mr.lays history class.

  I take a deep breath and walk into the classroom, A short balding man stops in the middle of his lesson and turns his attention to me. " Well Ms.winters how nice of you to join us" He say and I just nod. He let's out a long sigh and says "Take a seat next to Ms.Willson, Ms.willson would you raise you'r hand". I walk over to a girl with wavy blonde hair and warm blue eyes. I can feel every ones eyes burn into my back as I make my way to the back of the classroom and take a seat next to her. I could feel everyone slowly starting to turn there attention back to the board and I sighed in relief. "Hey I'm Nessie" the girl next to me says with a bright smile on her face."Hey I'm Arianna It's nice to me you " I say and return her smile.

  When history ends Nessie pulls me aside and looks over my schedule. A big grin breaks out over her face and she says "We have first,second., third .and fifth together." I smile at her and send a silent thanks that I have a friend. " you know I'm really glade I met you your different from the girls here and It's nice to finally have a friend tha's a girl" Nessie says practically reading my mind. I smile and tell her that I was just thinking the same thing and we go to second period. The rest of the periods went by quickly and were walking to lunch. As we near the giant double doors Nessie stops.

  "Nessie?" I ask and stop beside her. She takes a deep breath " Okay I know my friends can be um...different just please don't let them scare you away please" she says and I laugh. "Trust me I can promise you I've seen worse" I say and she looks unsure but nods anyway and walks in. I quickly walk in behind her. I nearly let out a chuckle as we near a table of quit girls who are all reading. But them she turn ands stands in front of a different table. I stop at the table and I can fee my eyes go a little wide.

  I look at the guys at the table then back at Nessie and take in her profile she has on golden flip flops, a blue dress and her hair looks perfect. Then I look over at the boys. All four boys are hot. I'm sorry but that really was the first thing that came to mind the second thing that came to mind was why is a girl like her hanging out with them. Not that they seemed like bad people just not her type I guess. I quickly covered up my shock and took a seat beside her. Slowly I take in each of there profiles. The one across from me had short spiky blonde hair and the same warm blue eyes as Nessie.The boy sitting next to him had black hair and dark brown eyes.and the boy next to Nessie had  Light brown hair and light green eyes. Oh yeah and all of them looked like total bad asses. I think I get along with them just fine

 "Well who do we have here" The boy across from me says."Arianna, Who are you?" I ask. " I'm justin" he says then points to the boy sitting next to Nessie and says "That's Drew and the one sitting next to me is Austin ' He finishes. I nod my head and smile. " Hey wheres peter?" Nessie asks. "Right here" I hear a voice say from next to me. I slowly look up at the speaker of the voice. A smile inches its way into my face as his dark green eyes meet mine and I see his wide awkward smile. He takes a seat next to me and rests his chin on his hand and looks at me. 'And who are you?" He asks. I smile and Sarcastically bat my eye lashes and put my hand my heart and speak in an old fashion voice. "Well Mr.Peter The names Arianna" I say. A wide grin spreads across his face. " Well what a lovely name madam" He says and dramatically kisses my hand. We both bust out laughing. After I catch my breath I notice everyone staring at my with there jaws wide open.

  "What?" I ask. " How did you do that?" I hear justin ask. " Do what?" I say. " You made him smile " Drew says wide eyed. "Oh shut up " Peter grumbles. I just sit there like an idiot not knowing what there talking about. Nessie must have noticed because she says " Peters just not normally how do I put this......energetic" I nod understanding what shes trying to say. "So y'all exited for p.e?" Austin asks. Everyone smiles and says yes. " Oh and Arianna's Gonna be in our class" Slowly everyone turns to me with the worlds creepiest smiles on there face. "Ummmm...?" I say.Drew reaches over and puts a hand on each side of my head and exploding motion. I'm about to ask whats going on when Justin suddenly says " Oh my god I just realized we never got lunch!' all of them quickly get up and walk towards the lunch line.

  Suddenly Nessie turns around and ask me if I'm coming. " Oh uh yeah." I say and follow them. They all order and pay. I just silently follow them. when all of them are done they slowly turn towards me  and look at me. "What?" I ask. "Well aren't you gonna get something?" Drew asks. I look down at my feet and say " I'm not hungry". right at that exact moment my stomach decides to growl really loudly. Instead of waiting for them to say something I just walk back to the table and sit down. I hear a bunch of trays hit the table and they all turn towards me. 'Why didn't you get something you'r obviously hungry" Nessie says. I bit my lip and rack my brain for an answer. I'm not sure why but I dont't really want to lie to them but I also can't tell them the truth so I just shrug. Luckily the lunch bell goes off and we all get up to go to P.E. as were walking I notice everyone had big smiles on there faces, What so great about P.E?

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