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I was sitting in the cafeteria with my siblings, chating, well they were chating I was mostly sitting ther and watching. Sometimes i would add my opinion on the subject at hand, but mostly i would only talk when addressed.

As we were talkin the sound of our bases communications system activating rang in all of our ears.
A male voice echoed through the base, old, rough and tired "02 your presence is needed in the command room ASAP." Followed by the noise of the communications system shuting down.

I stood up and began to make my way to the command room ignoring the snickering of my siblings.
As i walked through the hallways i would pass familiar faces and rooms, remembering the history i have with them.

My siblings and me spent our whole lifes together....a large portion at least, well we aren't flesh and blood siblings but we all grew up considering each other siblings. Ever since we entered the "Chimera Project" at least.

The Chimera Project gave us all a second chance at life...well almost all of us. Ther were originaly 20 of us, but 10 didn't survive the procedure. The Chimera Project would attempt to create geneticly modefied soliders out of children, but they didn't use random children they found wondering the streets of citys, they would use children on the verge of death. From children sike with terminal diseases to mortaly injures children.

I was one of the mortaly injured. They found me under the rubel of a destroyed building in a warzone, with my parents corpses ower me in a atempt to shield me from the falling debris. But a metal rode managed to pierc through my parents and impale me in the abdoman. If it werent for the Chimera Project i would not be here now.

The same goes for my siblings 01 to 10. We won't be receiving more siblings as the Chimera Project got shot down after we grew up.

We are meant to operate whit a large amount of autonomy. We are tehnicly property but we were raised to make our own choises, once we turned 10 they gave us a choice. Stay or go. We all chose to stay. However this choice would put us all in danger as a couple houers after this a man entered our room, his eyes were....strange, but it would seem that only i noticed this. The man pulled out a gun and aimed it at us. Calling us abominations. 01 tryed his best to calm the man down but it seems that he only managed to enrage him more.

I steped in front of my sibling hiding them behind me. The man had a disgusted look on his face as he puled the triger. The bullet hit me in the chest, i was in shock from the wound but when i looked behind me i saw that 09s abdomen was bleeding. The bullet went trough my chest and in to her abdoman.

Seeing one of my siblings colaps to the ground and hearing the screams of the rest of my siblings... It made me feel something deep within me. For the first time in my life i felt like this. I was enraged, i was in such a rage that i ignored the pain in my chest. The pain that nearly threw me to my knees feelt unnoticable to the pain of seeing the scared faces of my siblings and the motionles body of 09 on the ground. I charged the man with all my might, the adrenalin running through my body erasing all fear and pain.

I tackeled the man to the ground and a loud bang echoed through the room. I lifted my hand above my head and slamed it down on to his throat. The man gasping for air droped his gun, to whitch I picked it up. Aiming it at his chest I rapidly pulled the triger. Unloading every round in the gun in to his chest, even after all the rounds were fired i continued presing the triger.
I snaped back to reality at the sight of the door in front of me opening with securety personel entering our room. Finaly responding to the gunshots and screaming. I attempted to stand up at ther arrival but my body no longer responded to my commands. Looking down i saw the wound on my chest, and a second bullet hole in my abdoman. In my rage i didn't notice that after tackeling the man to the ground he had shot me again.

I atempt to look back at my siblings but i colapsed to the ground before i manages to turn around.
This was also the incident that earned me my nickname "Guardian", I was quit proud of it.

But it is still unknows how that man entered our base as he wasen't part of the personal.

While looking back at my past i had alredy made my way to the command room. Standing in front of the room i prepered myself for what i would find inside. With a deep breath i taped a buton on the wall and the door sprung open.

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