Mision Preperation

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Entering the command room Guardian is meet with a suprisingly active and lively command crew. Personel are walking from terminal to terminal and the amount of activety is rather abnormal for our usualy rather quiet front tier outpost.
A high ranking officer walked up to Guardian with a smile, stretching out his hand in a greeting.

Sam: Guardian! Welcome to the CM. Been a while eh? How you holding up big guy?

Guardian: Didn't we have luntch together yesterday?

Sam: Yesterday? Felt a lot longer. Well time goes by slow in here, nothing mutch to do most of the time.

Guardian: Hm....beter that way. You woulden't last long in a active warzone.

Sam laught, proceding to gesture to Guardian to follow him.
As they were walking to the main terminal Sam looked up at Guardian with a rather exited smile.

Sam: Well it wont be that boring, hopefuly. We are geting soom action, well for now YOU are.

Guardina looked down at Sam with a cureus look. But befor Guardian managed to ask Sam for details they arived at ther destination.
The main terminal.
In front of the terminal the commanding officer stood. Inspecting the information he's reciving on the terminal.

Sam: Sir! I have brout him as you have requested.

The old man turned around to look at Guardian and Sam. Giving Sam a nod, to which Sam returns to man his post. The old man stood straight, a aura of authoraty eminating from him. Looking in to his eyes you could see he was experienced. A man who hade lived through many battles. And confirming this were the scares covering his face.
Guardian saluted the man.
The man chuckled to himself, clearly amused by the gesture.

Jacob: Guardian, how meny times do i have to tell you that you don't have to be formal with me?

Guardian: You are my superior officer, it is expected that I show you the respect that you deserv, sir.

Jacob sighed at Guardians statment. Out of the 10, Guardian was the only one beeing so formal with Jacob.
Jacob looked up at Guardian, giving him a soft smile.

Jacob: Guardian, your siblings don't talk to me formaly, ther is no point in you talking like that eather. Or is it that you perhaps don't like this old man?

Jacob soft smile was replaced by a rather sly smile. Guardian flinched at Jacobs words, clearly beeing suprised.

Guardian: N-no! Thats not it at all, it's just that I want to show you the respect you deserv sir.

With a satisfied look on his face Jacob looked Guardian in the eyes.

Jacob: Well if that's the case, then you would be showing me more respect if you respected my wishes.

Guardian: I.....understaned si-...Jacobe.

Jacobe noded his head in victory.
Turning around to face the command terminal Jacob gestured Guardian to stand next to him. Guardian complied and walked up to Jacob, towering ower him.
A planet apeared in front of them, as well as all availebal data on the planet. Guardian quicly looked ower the data awailebal. The planet is a jungle worled just outside of ther designated borders, scanes had indicated that the planets crust is above average in mineral deposets.

Jacob: That is HP-485, a uninhabited planet. Or that is what it's ment to be.

The terminal switches to images of buildings, vehicals and equipment.
Guardian lookes at the images mostly seeing mining equipment and mining vehicals.

Guardian: Iligal mining operation?

Jacob: Presicly, but look at the buildings and tell me what you see.

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