Little Treats

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"Wow this is such a nice place!" Uraraka looked around. It was clearly a sushi place, but not the trains she was used to. This one looked like a cute, minimalist little restaurant. A lady came up to greet them at the entrance, and guided them to a white table near the back. The pair sat down and Uraraka took in the fresh smell. Little tables delicately scattered the floor, cushioned chairs completing the set.

Uraraka picked up a menu. She silently suffered looking at the prices on each dish. It wasn't fine dining, but it wasn't the cheap sushi trains she was used to. She wasn't prepared for this, and didn't plan ahead to put enough money aside. Iida must have picked up on her energy, "You are a champion! This is your reward! Choose whatever you wish, do not fret over prices!"

She waved her hand in front of her defensively, "I couldn't possibly, it's too much Iida".

Iida grabbed her hand, "Please, let me treat you". Uraraka felt her cheeks and ears heat up from the gesture. Iida let out a soft smile, relaxing his shoulders. She took her hand back and looked at it for a moment, before picking up the menu yet again. She knew Iida insisted on paying, but she still felt a little guilty. She had lived her whole life with little spending money, but she always knew to be generous, and never purposefully burden anyone. No one had ever paid for her meal before. It was weird, but it made her heart tingle.

The waitress came back and took their orders. Once she left, Uraraka found herself looking at Iida again. Iida caught her gaze, "You still seem hesitant on being treated to a lunch. Just think of it as me paying you pack. You showed me and payed for the game, and in return I show you and pay for the restaurant".

Uraraka looked at him in disbelief, "THAT IS NOT THE SAME. THE GAME WAS $4"

"Ah yes but the experience was priceless", proclaimed Iida. Uraraka held her head in her hands. He was so clueless. They dropped the topic and continued chatting away about school, training, and video games. They found out they were both into Action-adventure games, as well as more puzzle based games. They debated about whether Kirby's ability to suck things up from a meter away was physically possible for his size. A debate with no winner.

Their orders were brought to them and they continued their conversations between bites of food. Uraraka found herself having so much fun. Iida was smart, funny, and insightful. Their conversations were natural and always flowed nicely. He made jokes, but they were never demeaning to anyone or anything. He was genuinely the perfect person.

They finished their food, and thanked the waitress after Iida had paid. Iida insisted on walking Uraraka back home, despite living a bit far from her house. She felt a little sad that they no longer all lived together at the dorms, but watching Iida walk beside her in the low sun made her heart tingle. He looked like he was in deep thought as they strolled to the bus stop, like he was making a decision. He snapped out of his daze to ask Uraraka a question, "May I hold your hand?"

Accidentally on Purpose (Uraraka x Iida)Where stories live. Discover now