6 | Broken Stereo

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ALL OF MY FRIENDS had a little too much to drink.

Timothée and I stood waiting by the doorway, as they wobbled over to us in a giggly fashion. If anything, it made my choice to accept the boy's offer more reasonable.

"Is this all of them?" he asked, his eyes glancing nervously at the three girls.

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm not sure I'll have enough room," he shrugged, "one of them might have to sit in someone's lap."

"I'll do it!" Tessa grinned, her shoulder nudging against Daya's.

"Then it's settled," I nodded, "let's go."

As we slipped out of the club, I had to redirect the three girls in the right direction; Sersh kept fumbling towards the street. Timothée would occasionally laugh at the scoldings I'd tell my friends, but I was too busy trying to get them to stop running down the sidewalk screaming.

The car we were taking was small, a bright red Mini convertible, that had only four seats. He wasn't lying when he said someone would have to sit in someone's lap. I decided to ride shotgun, purely based on the accommodating differences the girls and I had with Timothée. As we pulled out from the curb, Saoirse leaned over my headrest, and wrapped her hands around my shoulders.

"Sooo..." she slurred, a goofy smile directed towards the man, "who's this handsome guy?"

I cringed, forgetting to do introductions, "guys, this is Timothée."

Daya, who had Tessa propped up on her thighs, squinted her eyes, "who's Timothée?"

"This is the guy I told you about this morning," I explained.

It took a moment for them to retrace that memory, but soon alarm flashed into their eyes, and both of them began to wave their arms wildly into the air. Tessa looked honestly confused, but then threw her hands up as well.

"ALRIGHT!" Sersh yelled, "PULL THE CAR OVER!"

Daya was screaming her head off too, "SQUARE UP DUDE, WE'RE BEATING YOU UP!"



Amidst all the screaming and arm throwing, I stole a glance at Timothée, who didn't seem to care at all that he was being threatened. I didn't understand what it was with this guy, he never seemed to lose his composure.

"Guys, guys," I hissed, turning around in my seat, "it's okay, stop yelling."

They snapped their mouths shut, their faces flushed from all the excitement. I leaned my head back into the chair, letting out an exhale. I just wanted to get home, take off my makeup, and relax in a hot bubble bath.

"WE!" Saoirse exclaimed abruptly, whacking Timothée on the top of the head, "are watching you!"

I saw him flinch for a moment, his curls jumping up from the hit. Other than that, he still didn't seem to mind all the commotion. It wasn't long before he stopped in front of Zendaya's house, letting the two girls out. Then it was Saoirse's apartment, and then it was just me left. We rode in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

Thankfully, it wasn't long before he came to a stop at my destination. Popping open the door, I hopped out of the car, and grabbed my purse from the seat. Timothée leaned to look at the Subway right behind me, and raised an eyebrow.

"You live here?" he asked, staring at the sandwich shop.

This time it was my turn to laugh. I leaned my arm on the hood of the car, bending down to face him full on.

"No," I smirked, "but I'm not going to tell you where I really live, am I?"


"Thanks for driving me," I said, slinging my bag onto my shoulder.

He didn't respond at first, but tilted his head as if he was getting another look at me. I took that opportunity to look at him. Unusually, his green eyes looked brighter in the nighttime, reflecting off the neon store signs behind me.

"So this is where it ends, huh?" He mumbled, a soft smile settled on his lips.

"I can't keep running into you forever, can I?"

"Not in New York."

"Goodbye, then," I nodded, turning to head towards my condo's direction. I hadn't even taken a few steps, when he called out to me again.

"Bye cherry chapstick," he teased, before sliding his window up and driving off down the street.

It was then I realized I never gave him my name. That wasn't a bad thing, was it?

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