Chapter One

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Canissa's POV

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!" The entire guild sang to me. It's my 1,304th birthday.

I felt like crying. I wasn't really happy. Nee-san has been gone for 3 years now. She went away the day before my 1,301st birthday.

Wendy-chan came over to me.

"Happy Birthday, Cani!" She said enthusiastically. She gave me a package. "This is for you!"

"Thank you, Wendy." I said trying to be happy.

Fairy Tail is a nice guild. Not to mention it's Fiores #1 guild. Sabertooth's in second. Lamia Scale in third. Mermaid Heel in fourth, and Blue Pegasus is fifth.

I'm an S-class wizard and known as Fairy Princess.

I opened the package Wendy gave me. Inside, there was a glass angel with beautifully cut wings, flowing dress that ended near her feet, no shoes, and a smooth looking hair. The most beautiful thing about it was it's face. It had a warm smile and soft eyes. I realized that it looked like nee-san. I didn't even know that tears was streaming down my face.

"Ano, are you okay?!" Wendy asked with worry.

"Hai, I'm fine." I said. "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." Wendy said, smiling.

"My turn." Erza said, handing me a long box.

I opened it and found a beautifully carved sword. The handle was made out of platinum and there was a few dragons carved on it. On the side was my name beautifully carved.

Canissa Dorjina DeGel.

"Thank you so much, Erza." I said. She knew that I was quite fond of swords and can use them quite well.

"Your welcome, Cani. I'm glad you like it." She said, seemingly glad that I liked it.

"This is for you." Gray said. He gave me a small box just as big as my fist.

I opened it and saw a pair of earrings. Made out of ice.

"They won't melt, but they might, so put it in the freezer." He said smirking.

I nodded and said 'thank you'.

After that, Natsu gave me food, Happy gave me fish, Carla gave me a cute dress, Lily gave me a script, Bisca gave me a gun, Alzack gave me a rifle, Mira gave me a pretty necklace, Lisanna gave me a bracelet, Gajeel gave me an electric guitar, Levy gave me a book, Reedus gave me a drawing of me, Elfman gave me a sign that said 'MEN!' (sweat-drop), Evergreen gave me a mirror, Bickslow gave me a creepy, but cute doll, Freed gave me a book on runes, Wakaba and Macao gave me a Weekly Sorcerer magazine, Warren gave me a communication lacrima, Max made me a sand sculpture of me, and Romeo gave me a mini lyre.

I looked around for my brother. He wasn't here. I sighed and went up to Mira.

"Mira-san, do you know where Laxus-nii is?" I asked.

Mira smiled. "He's in Master's office. Cani, you don't need to call me Mira-san, just call me Mira. We're all family right?" She said.

I nodded. "Mira-san, since your engaged to Laxus-nii, that means your going to be my sister. Ano, can I call you Mira-nee?" I asked.

Mira seemed a little shocked. She then started giggling. "Of course you can, Cani." She said. "Happy Birthday!"

I some-what grumbled. "That's the millionth time someone said that to me today."

"Oh gomen." Mira said frowning slightly.

"Nmm" I said. "Arigato, I like the feeling of family."

"Oh look, there's Laxus." Mira suddenly said.

I looked and saw Laxus-nii coming over here.

"Happy Birthday, Cani." He said.

"Arigato." I said.

He then gave me two presents.

"One's from ojii-chan, and the other one's from me." He said.

I opened Laxus-nii's first. It was earbuds. The exact same pair he wears.

"Arigato, nii-chan." I said.

Laxus-nii just grunted.

I then opened the one Master gave me. It was a magic pen.

"Arigato, ojii-chan." I said to myself.

I love Fairy Tail. They're the best.

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