Screw it!

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I'm already making pages on The Prison Revolution, so you know what?! Let's publish it! Also, I will still continue remaking the first book and finish off Anahvia, and from the third sequel to the rest of the series, we well make a bit of a FanFiction crossover with four things

I'm already making pages on The Prison Revolution, so you know what?! Let's publish it! Also, I will still continue remaking the first book and finish off Anahvia, and from the third sequel to the rest of the series, we well make a bit of a FanFic...

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Date A Live

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Angel Beats

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Black Bullet (I need finish watching it)

Black Bullet (I need finish watching it)

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And finally: Akame Ga Kill

One of the characters from these shows will appear in the prison revolution, but I will not reveal it to you yet. Anyway, see ya.

 Anyway, see ya

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Also, I don't own any credit or characters form these shows

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Also, I don't own any credit or characters form these shows. They are only used for FanFiction entertainment purpose. All credit goes to the creators and owners. NOT ME!!!

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