Chapter 16: Fighting a Kage

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This chapter might be short because it is purely a fight scene so I'm apologizing in advance for a possibly short chapter.

Please enjoy Chapter 16

(Flashback Starts)

Killer B and Tatsumi escaped the prison and head to the border. They headed in the direction of Naruto's team unknowingly. But as they left the Hidden Cloud Village they unknowingly alerted the Raikage. So without telling anyone, he lept out of the Raikage office's window and started to pursue the two Jinchuriki.

(Flashback Ends)

Killer B and Tatsumi are currently running through the trees that surround the Land of Lightning. They're about halfway to the border when Tatsumi senses something. "I think the Raikage is following us," Tatsumi said to B. " Yo he's alone though, now it's time to put on a show yeah-ya" B responded in a terrible rap.

Tatsumi and Matatabi just sweatdropped while Gyuki just facepalmed. "Does he always do this?" Tatsumi's asked Gyuki telepathically. "Pretty much all the time" the Gyuki responded. "My condolences then," Tatsumi said. Matatabi snickered while Gyuki thanked the blond. After a moment passed the two Jinchuriki arrived at an open field. "This doesn't look good to me," Tatsumi said. "Yeah, there's no cover" Matatabi replies. Tatsumi and B went on regardless and we're about halfway across the field when they were attacked.

Both B and Tatsumi jumped back to avoid being hit. When they landed again they saw the Raikage standing in front of them. "B how dare you help a prisoner escape!" The Raikage shouted in anger. "He did it because you have no right to take away my friend!" Tatsumi shouted back at the Raikage. "I'd watch my tongue if I were you girl" The Raikage growled. Tatsumi just sent a growl right back at the Raikage while pulling out her special Tri-pronged Kunai.

This caused the Raikage to raise an eyebrow for a split second before his face went back to a serious one. "I recognize that Kunai," The Raikage said. B looked at what Tatsumi was holding while Tatsumi gave the Raikage a knowing smirk. B was about to say something in a rap about the Kunai Tatsumi was holding but Gyuki told him to be quiet for once. "I assume you must know what this means then Raikage," Tatsumi said. Not even a second later Tatsumi saw a lightning chakra cloak covered fist millimeters from her face.

Tatsumi just stared at it calmly before tossing the Kunai she held into the air and vanishing in a blue flash. "Just like Minato," the Raikage thought as he scanned the area for marked kunai but couldn't find any. All he saw was a hand covered in red Chakra and claws scratching his face and flew into a nearby tree. The Raikage quickly recovered to see that Tatsumi was covered in red chakra with two tail sprouting out from the back.

"There were no marked Kunai in the surrounding area. How did you do that?" The Raikage asked. "If you must really know I've trained with the Flying Raijin so much that I'm able to use the Jutsu without even having to throw the special Kunai. All I have to do is look and then poof, I'm there" Tatsumi said as she enjoyed the shocked expression on the Raikage's face. "But know it's time to fight," Tatsumi said as slipped into her fighting stance.

The Raikage sped towards Tatsumi at blinding speeds and threw a punch at her. Tatsumi dodged to the left and sent a chakra enhanced kick to the Raikage's side. It didn't damage him but it was forceful enough to send him flying into the open field. Tatsumi didn't let up her assault as she flashed right in front of the Raikage and threw a series of fast kicks and punches. The Raikgae was keeping up with Tatsumi but just barley. Tatsumi broke her assault and leaped backward, a good distance away from the Raikage to catch her breath.

Seeing this, the Raikgae poured chakra into his feet and took off, cracking the earth that he was on top of mere seconds before. Tatsumi saw this and, with no hand signs, created about 50 shadow clones and sent them all at the incoming Raikage. While the Clones were keeping the Raiage busy Tatsumi sat down and started to meditate, drawing natural energy into her.

The Raikage looked over in Tatsumi's direction and became infuriated when he saw her sitting down with her eyes closed. "That brat thinks she can take a nap while fighting!" The Raikage screamed in his mind. He quickly finished off the shadow clones and angrily lept towards Tatsumi, who was now standing up, but with her eyes closed still.

"You arrogant little brat!" The Raikage shouted in anger as he thrust his fist forward. Without opening her eyes Tatsumi caught The Raikage's fist. The Raikage's eyes grew wide When he saw the changes on Tatsumi. Her once deep blue eyes were now a yellow-ish color with pupils that resemble frogs along with an orange color around her eyes.

Tatsumi smirked at the Raikage's shocked expression again and flashed through a few single-handed hand signs. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Tatsumi said in her head as she began to shoot a large ball of fire out of her mouth. The Raikage quickly substituted with a nearby log before the Jutsu could hit him. Tatsumi let a hiss of annoyance before sending her chakra out to find the Raikage's location.

Tatsumi moved her head to the left and dodged a punch from behind. She turned around to face the Raikage but was a split second to slow and was kicked in the stomach and sent flying across the field. She saved herself from crashing into a tree by creating a shadow clone that threw in the direction of the Raikage.

When Tatsumi made it halfway she stopped, causing The Raikage to raise his eyebrow in confusion. Tatsumi put her hand out and smirked as a Rasengan started to form. "If she thinks that she can beat me with such a pitiful Jutsu then she's dead wrong," The Raikage said in his head before his eyes widened.

Tatsumi's Rasengan started to form 4 large blades of wind that burst into black and blue flames. "Sage Art: Flaming Rasenshuriken!" Tatsumi shouted, purposely leaving the 'vanishing' part out. She threw the Jutsu and halfway it dissipated. "A pitiful excuse for a Shino-" The Raikage said as he was hit with Tatsumi's Jutsu. The explosion from the Jutsu engulfed The Raikage.

Tatsumi didn't expect the Jutsu to finish off the Raikage and wasn't surprised when he came out of the smoke with a few injuries but nothing major. "I'm almost out of Chakra, Better finish this with one last Jutsu," Tatsumi said as she started to form a larger than normal Rasengan in her hand and launched at the Raikage. She was halfway to the Raikage when she sensed familiar chakra signatures.

I canceled my Jutsu and turned around. When I did my eye widened when I spotted people I thought I would never see again.


I'm really sorry if this chapter is terrible. I'm not the best when it comes to writing fight scenes so sorry if it's bad.

Also, I wanted to say that I was thinking about writing a Pokemon Fan-Fic that involves my OC and Ash. I'll probably won't publish it unit l have at least 3 or 4 chapters for it. I actually can't wait to start writing it.

Anyways thanks for reading this chapter

Published: Friday - June 26, 2020 - 7:06 p.m.

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