I want you to stay with me
I just want you to be here
For me I want to see you
Laugh with me to cry because
You can feel my pain I want you
To hold me and pat my back
When I cry and tell me that
There are plenty of people
Out there for me to hold me
In your strong arms to let me
Cry on you chest when there
Are no tissues
To let me lean on your shoulder
Because my
Legs are too weak to let me
Carry on I just want you to stay
Here because I'm here I want to
Be your reason not to leave I want
To be the reason why you stay I
Don’t want you to fade into my
Past and be just a memory I want
You to be the truth and the light behind
The lies but you can’t because
You wont you don’t have to
But I just don’t want to be the
Only one that doesn’t tell you goodbye
And end up regretting even making you
A mistake so before you go can we sit
Down and talk so I can say goodbye
Before you go so I can smile when
You go hug your neck and tell you if
You ever need a friend I’ll be the one
You can run to I’ll be the one to make it
All better I’m ready to let you go but
Not before I tell you goodbye
Moving from here to there is a big transition
But there makes you happy
And here holds your sad memories
Memories of lost loved ones and broken hearts
But here also holds sweet dreams of
Strawberry kisses and cinnamon hugs
But I know it’s not enough to make you stay
Tears and love notes won’t make your transition easy
It’ll only confuse you jumble your mind
And set fire to your heart
But I hoped for a miracle a small gift from God
But He gave mean obstacle and a lesson to learn from
I promise not to make the same mistake
I promise to smile
And I promise not to cry
I give you my word on everything I love
But before you go and move from here to there
From Mobile to Atlanta just hope you
Give me some time a few minutes
Of your precious life just sit and talk and let me
Clear my mind because I just want to
Before you up and disappear
Open my heart and bear my soul
Because I just don’t want to be the only one
That doesn’t tell you goodbye before you go