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I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love
And with your admission that you'd feel the same
I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of, believe me
~ 'i just wanna be the one you love' by the ink spots

If people would take the time to know Louis, they'd most likely know that he wasn't completely straight. Like, people just assumed that since he had all the piercings and tattoos and all this badass attitude, that he was straight as a ruler and banged a new girl every night.

Joke's on them though, turns out he really liked taking dick up the ass. Except, the only kid he cared enough about to want him to know that, was Harry Styles. He was already convinced Louis liked chicks. Hence, there'd be no way to let him know that Louis actually liked boys, without him thinking it was a joke.

So, Louis had a small crush on this boy. Then again, everyone had a crush on Harry Styles. He was fucking adorable. Just like that, everyone -no matter what sexuality- had a crush on some chick from their school. Her name was Ruby.

They were pretty, you can't not have a crush on Harry and Ruby.

Harry mostly.

People seemed to cower away from Louis as he walked down the hallway of their school. He wasn't all that scary. So, he had no idea why people were this wary of him. Like honestly, Louis had body mods, was that seriously all that scary?

Apparently, it was. Because as soon as he walked into his homeroom class, everyone frantically stood up for him to sit wherever he liked. Louis rolled his eyes, walking and sitting next to Harry in a seat that had already been empty.

All the people who stood up looked confused but sat down anyway. Mr Hicks came in soon after. Instead of paying attention to the lesson, Louis leaned into his best friend's ear to spark up a conversation.

"So, Harold, what're you up to after school?" he whispered, absentmindedly looking at the whiteboard at the front of the class.

Harry only shushed him.

"Come ooon, H. Maybe if you're not doing anything, you could come to my house? It'll be empty, and I'll be lonely", he pouted.

Harry shushed him again as he scribbled some things down onto the notebook paper on his desk.

Louis rolled his eyes, "You're hopeless, H."

He decided not to bother Harry again until after school, where he met him outside, him obviously just having done gym class. Last period gym students always had to wait until they got home to shower and stuff. So, that was on Louis since he was Harry's ride.

Harry was soaked in sweat, the backpack was thrown over his shoulder as he miserably trudged to where Louis was waiting at the car. The blue-eyed boy cackled at his appearance.

"Mm, so sexy Daddy!" he wheezed, to which he got a punch in the arm from the taller boy.

"Shut the hell up, Lou", he muttered, a blush staining his pale cheeks.

Louis snickered. As they both hopped into Louis' car, Louis started up another conversation.

"I got like, Nutella and stuff for us to eat, and we can watch a movie or something", he said, slipping on the sunglasses as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Harry cheered and punched the air, "Hell yeah, Nutella rocks!"

Louis laughed at his enthusiasm, making more conversation on the way. Nearly twenty minutes later, they finally pulled up to Louis' house, Harry shouting out a rather obnoxious 'Finally!' as soon as they were in the driveway.

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