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I woke up to see the other side besides is empty I hear the shower running so he must be in there I lay back down and hear the bathroom, door open and omfg Alex was standing there In all his glory his towel hanging from his waist I was damn there drolling oh my I thought I was cut out of my thoughts when Alex asked if I saw something I like I snapped out of it and just walk away from him and got my stuff for the shower after getting dressed I went to see Alex struggling to tie his tie I went up to him to help him. I can help you, Alex, I said. No, I have it he said struggling again give it to me Alex and stop acting like that I said do it for him I know you probably don't want to do this but you have to consider his deal I looked over it multiple times it's an ok deal but it is your choice I said kissing his cheek I went to walk away but he grabbed me and pulled me back to him thank you, baby girl, you are welcome, Alex now comes on let's get this done and over with I said putting my coat on let's go handsome I winked as I grabbed his hand walking out.

Alex outfit

Rosabella outfit

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Rosabella outfit

______________________________________We get to wills company and his assistant leads us to where the meeting will behold I must say the company is very beautiful but you will definitely notice the difference between Alex company and Mr

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We get to wills company and his assistant leads us to where the meeting will behold I must say the company is very beautiful but you will definitely notice the difference between Alex company and Mr.wills Alex had thing organization and this company didn't you should see what the assistant had on but I keep my mouth shut as we got to the meeting the girl I found out the name was Lisa Alex helped me take off my coat and I sat down and got all the papers ready so when Mr. Wills comes. So this is when it went downhill so the meeting was supposed to start at 1:30 we got here at 12 so it's now 2:43 and let's just say Alex is not happy. 15 minutes later Mr.wills finally comes in and looks like he just did 3 rounds of sex and is trying to cover it up. Well hello, Alexander, and who is this beauty he asked kissing my hand I took it away quickly because his staring was getting uncomfortable.
W for Mr.wills, l for Lisa, a for Alex, and r for rose
Alexander pov

A: so what was taking you almost 2 hours long because the meeting started at 1:30 it's 3:20 now
W: umm I was just finishing up some work you know
A: it took you 2 hours to finish work
W: Alex
A: Mr. Martinez to you
W: mr. Martinez, you have to understand you have a company to
A: no I understand completely that you make me come down here to sign some shit deal and then not come on time because you had to find some way to fuck you, wife and assistant, in an hour so you could make it to this meeting I said getting mad I claimed down when rose started rubbing my hand
A: oh and I do understand I have a company to but this what you have is not a company I mean look at what your assistant is wearing now don't waste any more of my time and let's start
Rosabella pov
After about 20 minutes of them trying to get Alex to sign he walked out because in those 20 minutes mr.wills has flirted with me and has not stopped touching me oh and the assistant has not as stopped flirting with Alex I walked out to I needed a minute Alex told me to go back in and pack up and that this was a shit meeting

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