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"Yah it's time to clean your room today!" Calica shouted from the kitchen, making Lacey jump.

"I oughta it stinks in there!" Lacey said, lazily slumped over the coffee table in the living room.

Lacey was a normal middle aged girl in some peoples eyes but... lets just say that her bedroom represents her and her life.... A huge stinking mess! Now her life as a songwriter was not easy for her as she didn't have the right equipment or anything yet so she used her old crumby laptop in her room to make these bad quality songs. Most of the songs she has made actually has made it to at least a few celebrities but they have all declined.

Today was the day. Lacey would clean her room after 3 months of trashing the place she is here staring through the doorway to see the monstrosity of the bedroom she has been living in. She couldn't believe she had been living in this pigstye of a room. She grabbed her gloves and put them on hesitantly before digging into the never-ending pit of mess.

(timeskip because author-nim is lazy x3)

6 hours later and Lacey is finally finished with her room only to come across a small hole in her wardrobe leading into the wall. She looked at the hole curiously. "How curious" She mumbled and stuck her finger in the mouse-sized hole to find and unwelcoming surprise. The mouse that was living in the hole started biting at her finger and to the mouse's surprise got carried along with Lacey's finger out of his well-built, cozy home. "How welcoming" Lacey said to the shocked, little mouse. After her sarcastic  statement the mouse let go and dropped to the floor, scurrying back into his tiny home. "Your a quick one" Lacey rolled her eyes and basically dragged the mouse out by its tail. He sniffed at her an smiled a little mouse smile.

"CALICA I FOUN-" Lacey started to shout but got a little nibble on the nose to signal to not shout for someone and let him be by the small mouse who was still hanging upside down by his tail. Lacey just looked at the mouse in disbelief and gasped before looking around the room before whispering tot he little creature "You understand me...!". The mouse nodded his head while smiling and swinging.

The mouse then did something that shocked Lacey to the point of nearly fainting. The once small mouse had grown into a tall, handsome young man around the same age as Lacey. "Of course i can understand you!" The boy smiled widely obviously not realising he had transformed. Lacey stood there in shock and looked up at the now cute, handsome, brown haired boy that was hanging in her grasp.

Calica's POV

All I heard were shrieks of Lacey who was apparently cleaning her room. As I went up to check, I heard a loud thud which made me quicken my pace to sprinting. "KIM LACEY WHAT IS GOIN ON IN THERE!?" I shouted loud enough for her to head. A simple "N-Nothing" got back to me as a shook Lacey walked out looking as if she had just seen a ghost leaving me confused as. 

"Whats going on?" I asked a shaking, pale Lacey.

"Nothing just i found something that reminded me of my sister..." Lacey lied

"Oh I-I'm sorry.." I said knowing about her sister and how she betrayed and left Lacey with nowhere to go when she was 3 years old because of how thir parents died in that freak accident that one rainy, thundery night.

Nobody's POV

It was a Thursday night at 11:00pm and thats when the scream sounded that would change both of the sister's lifes for the worse. Somebody had broke through the window and had stabbed both of their parents, killing them. Her sister had long gone and ran off when she heard the scream but not Lacey. She stood there in disbelief and quickly got lost in her own thoughts while screaming and running. 'will I ever see my parents again?' 'What will happen to the unknown person?' 'Where do I go now?'. All these thoughts ran through her head as she ran further and further with tears streaming down her, already, tear-stained puffy cheeks. She ran until she came across an old bridge where she stayed to catch her breath still shaking and terrified of what had to come looking behind her from time to time, paranoid and in fear that the person was looking for her and had ran behind her all this time. Luckily, that wasn't the case but all Lacey did was hug her knees crying herself to sleep under the old, dust ridden bridge.

Little did anyone know...

Lacey wasn't your normal human...

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