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Its been about 2 months since Corey died. I still can't wrap my head around why either.I sat at my mirror and stared at myself. I fumbled with my hair brush.They said he was healthy...they said he was fine...

"THEY SAID THEY SAID THEY SAID"I screamed and threw the brush into the mirror.I scurried into a corner and My mom came in and wraped her arms around me.

"Shhhhhhh. It's okay...."she whispered into my hair and began to cry.

"They promised.... They promised they promised they promised!!"I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Why'd you do this to me core?!" I screamed before going quiet. I brought ny knees up to my chest and began to rock.i havent been very stable since he died.My mom went to go check on my little brother. I got up and grabbed my gutair. I walked over to the garage and there stood kin and kon. Kon looked like he could bust out of his clothes any second.probably cause he ate his pain away. Kin had bags under his eyes.

"Laney! I came up with a new invention! It allows-" he said holding a drink. I snatched it out of his hands and downed it. Suddenly I couldn't breathe.I began to grab at ny neck and gag. I coughed and thrashed around before everything went black.

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