Chapter 20

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One Month Later

They say once you hit rock-bottom, the only way is up. That may just be true.

With Katherine Walcott no longer in Kelsey's life, she found herself stranded at sea, now without a lifejacket. She had two options, sink or swim.

It took her a little while but she eventually chose to swim like her life depended on it, and maybe it did.

She stepped back from the company and allowed the other leaders to take on most of her previous responsibilities.

She retired as a performer at club Hypnotic and left Angie with the responsibility of actually managing the club fulltime, after all, that is what she is paid to do.

She made a new appointment with her old psychiatrist and now they see each other on a weekly basis once more, just like old times.

She bought a house with the goal of making it a home for her and her son. He lives with her full-time now and her mother comes by to visit them ever so often.

Kelsey Graham is learning to love herself again and overtime share that love with those she holds close. Unfortunately, it takes more than an effort to mend a broken heart and she still falls asleep feeling the pain of losing the love of her life and best friend.


Heaven Blake and her high IQ didn't stand a chance against her emotions and scars. Her intelligence has never been enough so why had she expected that change simply because she willed it to. After all, she was always intelligent and that never stopped her parents from leaving, or made them return.

That may be why she has accepted a job offer to work for a Japanese company, but then why hasn't she told anyone about it. None of her friends, not even her girlfriend who she claims to love. Not even Kyle who wouldn't tell a soul.

Her current excuse is not wanting to rain on anyone's parade, especially with graduation being today.

Looking at the crowd gathered to celebrate this occasion she feels nothing but sadness. The pieces of the puzzle already found, fade into the background as she focuses on the missing pieces. But which pieces are more important?

She snaps out of it when her name is called.

"Heaven Blake!"

She walks across the stage and collects her degree, but after this the event drones on. She barely notices her friends' names being called.

"Alexander Farley!"

"Alexandra Farley!"

-some people who don't play a role in this book-

"Dylan Krouse!"

-some more people who don't play a role in this book-

Then the Valedictorian speaks and people cheer, but Heaven remains glued to her thoughts. The Chairman comes forward after and gives a long-winded speech before moving to close out the ceremony.

Before he can though he's interrupted by none other than, Alexander Farley. That's right, Xandy has something to say.

He takes the mic and the Chairman allows him -to save face-. After much hesitation and stuttering, the young man finally addresses his audience.

"Could Dylan Krouse please come to the stage?"

If nervous was a person, it would look like Alexander at this very moment.

Utterly confused Dylan slowly makes her way over to the stage and to her boyfriend.

Wiping at his sweat with shaking hands, Alexander gingerly reaches into his pocket and falls on one knee.

"Dylan, I'm ready to start the rest of my life and I don't want to do that without you by my side if you'll have me. You are my home and I want that to be a forever and a day thing. So, if you don't mind, I want the honor of having you as my wife. Dylan, will you marry me?"

At this point, Dylan, Alexander, and Alexandra are all sporting tear-streaked faces while the crowd is on the edge of their seats awaiting a response.


Not needing to be told twice the young man slides the ring on her finger before lifting her off her feet in a bear hug, as their audience erupts in a round of applause. All but one.

The cheering drags Heaven out of her daze in time to see her friends on stage locked in a tight embrace. She eventually notices the ring and puts it all together. She smiles softly but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

It's the after-party and everybody seems to be having the time of their lives.

Through the excitement, however, some realities keep some of the graduates quite sober.

Holding her girlfriend's hand Alexandra doesn't say a word and simply pulls her outside and into the chilly air.

Before either of them can speak, she kisses Heaven passionately, and somehow with that one deed, they both know what comes next.

"You don't love me, I've always known. I suppose I was waiting for you to fall in love with me over time but that isn't fair to either one of us. I can't pretend it doesn't hurt anymore and I don't want to. I deserve more and you deserve to go find love, wherever it may be."

Heaven's only response is to hug the woman in front of her, maybe for the last time.

She pulls away in time to see Dylan approaching them but she doesn't meet her gaze, instead, she speaks loudly enough for them both to hear.

"I'm taking a job in Japan; I leave in a few days."

Seeing Heaven staring at something behind her, Alexandra turns to see a furious Dylan staring at her best friend.

Giving Heaven's hand a final squeeze she leaves the two women to talk.

But they didn't.

Heaven opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, and once Dylan recovered from her original state of shock she marched towards the other woman with tears in her eyes and smacked her right in the face before leaving her standing in the cold, alone.


Kelsey finally followed her therapist's advice and decided to contact Katherine. Surprisingly, she agreed to meet up and talk.

Feeling anxious, Kelsey walks into the café on time. Looking around for a seat she sees Katherine already there and looking right at her.

The air once in her lungs escapes, and tears start to form.


She doesn't quite know, but it's happening.

Walking up to the table she is caught off guard when her Kit Kat stands, hugs her tightly, and whispers in her ear.

"Welcome back to Earth."

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