chapter 1

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"I am pretty sure we are dealing with a vampire. I mean, blood drained out the victim? Sounds vampirey to me," Addison slammed the 100th book shut that she had read in the last 10 hours.

The 3 Winchesters had caught wind of a possible case in the state of Wisconsin. The victims had been found all in the same spot, a local alleyway outside of a strip club called Casanova Corporate. There wasn't anything unusual about it except that the victim's blood had been drained dry, there was no traces of even a drop. So of course they were on the case, and after hours of research and complications with witnesses they finally found a viable conclusion.

"It's the best idea we got," Dean concluded and quickly stood up. He threw the book he had been reading onto the couch cushion he had recently occupied. 

Addison shoved the nose of her black framed glasses back onto her nose and stood up from the small arm chair she had been seated in for the past 10 hours. She then grabbed the nearest cup of coffee she had used and gulped down the last sip. Her hand shoved some of her red hair to the side and the other threw the styrofoam cup at the overflowing trashcan of identical cups.

Sam, the only one to take the time, set his book neatly on top of the tallish stack he had started. He stood up from the bed he had chosen and dusted off his flannel.

Oblivious to the other two, Dean had already made his way out the shiny black 1967 Chevy Impala. "Come on slow pokes, lets go!" the eldest Winchester shouted through the door he had left open.

Addison scrambled around the small, messy motel room to grab her machete, gun, dead man's blood, and phone. Her skinny legs quickly ran outside to the shot gun side of the Impala.

Sam followed close behind and pouted when he saw the red head already outside the passenger side. "I usually sit shot gun," he complained.

Addison only chuckled, "Sorry Sammy, I got here first. And besides, I never sit shot gun." She gave a small smile, opened the door, jumped in the seat, shut the door behind her, and buckled up.

The boys also followed and climbed into the car with Dean in driver's and Sam in the back.

"Can we listen to some Guns N' Roses?" Addison requested like a little girl which brought a smile to Dean's face.

"You bet your ass we will!" the eldest Winchester grabbed a tape labeled "Guns N' Roses" and stuck it into the radio. "Live and Let Die" blasted through the car while Dean laughed at the way his little sister was jamming to the music.

Sam scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

Dean's green eyes trailed up to the mirror and he emitted a chuckle at his little brother's face, "Whats the matter, Sammy? You don't like the music?"

Sam scoffed again and turned his head away, continuing to pout.

After a dreadful care ride full of heavy rock, the siblings finally reached their destination.

Dean turned off the ignition but didn't unlock the doors, "Remember guys, blending in is the key. Ask around about the incidents, but don't seem suspicious. Be on the look out for any vamp activity as well."

Sam and Addison nodded before the green eyed male unlocked the car, enabling them to all get out. The three quickly unloaded themselves from the car and slowly walked into the front entrance.

Loud music could be heard blasting upon entering over the constant conversation of customers. A few strippers could also be seen in very revealing clothing doing some sort of dancing on top of a small stage.

Addison separated herself from the boys and took an unoccupied seat at a not so crowded bar.

"I am guessing you've heard about the attacks occurring at this place?" a quiet male voice came from her right side.

The red head twiddled with her thumbs and kept her eyes forward, "Yeah, I have."

"Ya know," she felt a pair of eyes burning holes into her head, "They've been targeting pretty girls like you."

Addison slowly turned to the right, only to meet the blue eyes of the man who had been staring at her. "So Mr..," she trailed on, waiting for him to tell him her name.

"Adam," he cracked a slight smile which made his blue eyes glimmer.

"Well, Adam, what can you tell me about the recent attacks?" she nodded and gave him a slight smile in return.

Adam put a hand on his chin before speaking, "I don't know much. Only that whatever it is, is targeting the strippers. The strippers here are the sweetest girls ever, they don't deserve whats happening to them. I hate having to hear about how their bodies around found outside in the back alleyway, completely drained of blood with no trace of who did it. I hope, whoever is responsible gets smited!"

Addison jumped slightly at the sight of his eyes flashing a bright blue, but brushed it off as her eyes playing tricks on her as she had just done research for 10 straight hours. The small red head grabbed a nearby napkin and pulled out a pen she always carried around with her. She then scribbled something onto the napkin and handed it to Adam, "Text or call me if you can remember anything else about this whole ordeal."

Adam took the napkin out of her hand and saw it was the digits of a phone number, her personal cell not one of the business phones she used. "Wait, one more thing. The last person who the girls had contact with was the owner of this club. Umm... Ethan Brights," he randomly recalled from his memory.

Addison nodded slight and took mental note to do a check on this Ethan Brights.

"Addison, lets go!" she heard Dean yell from across the crowded club, which caused her to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," Adam smiled and offered his hand for Addison to shake, which she greatly accepted. "Oh, I never caught your name," he spoke again but quietly this time.

"Addison, my name is Addison," the red head responded quickly and dashed towards the door in pursue of her brothers.

"Hmm.. Addison. Very pretty." Adam mentally smiled at himself before turning around and returning to his drink.

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