𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲


"Did ya hear?"

The spring air is clear and breezes lightly with a gentle caress to the little skin his uniform exposes. The deep blue sky that his face is turned up towards is cloudless and allows the warmth of the sun's rays to bathe him in its light. He casually leans against the rusted railing of his school's rooftop, one of his arms dangling off the edge and the other supporting his chin as he peers up at the endless blue above.

Though his mind is at ease and there should have been nothing better than his current state of carelessness, there was a certain itch that scratched at the back of his mind. It was a sensation that often inspired many of his mischievous, borderline illegal, activities. He was utterly bored.

"Hear wha'?"

Nothing seemed to satisfy him. Not the mindless banter of the two idiots that liked to follow him around like lost pups, nor the thrill of his recent extortion of some kid which provided quite a bit of money, absolutely nothing made him feel fulfilled in some kind of way.

He needed some kind of challenge.

"'Bout that girl, you know, the one that's always mutterin' to herself?"

There was a pause of silence between them as one of the idiots mulled over the words of the other. Banri held no interest at all in the topic, already deeming it pointless gossip that he could care less for. If it didn't involve him, why bother?

"Oh! Ya mean that Tachibana chick from 3-A?"

"Yeah, her. 'parently she's involved with some dangerous guy or somethin' like that."

At his words, Banri lifts a brow as he turns his head towards the side where the most talkative idiot stands. It's rare for anything of what they say to garner his interest, but if what was being said had something to do with the rumors he's been hearing a lot about, then there was something of worth to the otherwise mindless gossip.

"What guy?"

The two blink in surprise at the sound of Banri's voice. Like him, they never expected he'd willingly partake in the conversation. Still, the main idiot answered with no hesitation as a lopsided grin appeared on his features.

"You've heard the rumors haven't you Banri? Of that guy who's never lost a fight? That's who that girl is hangin' 'round with."

There's an intrigued hum that emits from the dark blond and slowly, he pushes himself off the railing. The two standing on either side of him watch as he stretches his arms in the air with a satisfying pop. His lips curled into a sly grin as his arms came to rest behind his head, his smile was of one his two companions knew all too well to hold nothing close to good intentions.

Fighting may have been just meaningless fun for him to fend off his perpetual boredom if only for a moment, but to hear that there was someone better than him. . . It was an opportunity he just couldn't pass up.

"You said she's in class 3-A, right?"

The two idiots nodded, glancing at each other in a search for an answer to Banri's sudden interest in their gossip. They had yet to ever see him pay any mind to their pointless chatter and had wholeheartedly expected him to completely disregard their conversation. Yet, there he stands between them, hands dug into the pockets of his pants as he holds an almost contemplative look on his features.

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