Fucking Bakugou

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I walked into the classroom and greeted Ochako happily. I felt the ruby eyes piercing my back but payed no mind to them.

Ever since day one when Bakugou challenged me to a fight and I simply snapped my fingers and made him sprout flowers from the top of his head he has hated me and I've hated him.

It made him "look soft" and it only made him more mad. Eventually toying with him wasn't fun so just wrapping him in flowers was my best choice.

My quirk is called flower hence the name I can create any amount of flowers, any strength, any where, any kind upon snapping my fingers.

The flowers are practically impossible to break through. Emotions are what breaks them down. Flowers are very delicate and when disturbed to much them seem to crumple. Just like people.

Having weak emotions was not something I could have so a wall is built, I'm a happy person but people aren't let in any further. They can't mess with my life anymore than the others have.

The others.

Kou was her name.

She had fought for me when I didn't feel like fighting. She was there. Like someone shielding me from any harm.

I let her in so stupidly. I feel in love with her. Then she changed. She yelled and became violent. She shared secrets and tore me down.

With a glance in my direction every flower would crumple in on itself. She was the only true weakness I ever had faced.

"Um Y/N-Chan Bakugou is definitely staring at you." Ochako said abruptly.

"Again?" I complained slouching on the table.

"I mean it's Bakugou. He's still mad about that flower thing." She said looking down to my pouting face.

"One second." I said springing up from my seat and sending a nice smile to Ochako.

I made my way over to him.

"Yo Bakugou could you stop staring at me. It's annoying." I said crossing my arms.

He stood up and loomed over me.

"Oh yea what are you gonna do shorty." He said with a threatening tone.

"I'm not gonna fight you." I said not showing any emotion in my facial features.

"Wanna bet bitch!" He roared getting into a fighting stance.

I shrugged and flowers became poking out from his shirt. The started to pour out and onto the floor. As he stared down at the flowers pouring form his shirt I added a bright pink one on his nose for good reason before walking back over to Ochako.

My smile imeaditaly returned as I sat down and I heard him march over. Before a word could leave his dirtied mouth I threw my hand out.

A thick green vine shot from my hand and a huge Carnivorous plant came out. It opened it's jaws and snapped them over top of Bakugou.

(The plants that eat flies)

He yelled and hollared while banging on the sides of the plant. I only let out a sigh and struck up a conversation with Ochako.

She nervously kept glancing around to the other classmates and Bakugou while we were talking. Having a flashy quirk was great and all but damn.

I reluctantly let Bakugou out once Mr. Aziaiwa came into the classroom.

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