New House, New Friends

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A/N: Ok! Upside down again I swear to fuck but for help imagining the characters, Ladle aka the speaker is in the jester outfit, Kayla is the one with horns, Shadowman is wearing a mask, and Grey/Logan is in the yellow hoodie. For the other characters, if you need visual assistance look at the art book or the Idk Either book.


Pushing in the last box, I shut the door behind me. Kayla was busy unpacking the boxes, Shadowman was moving the furniture in place, and Logan was doing absolutely nothing. "So you gonna stand there and do nothing?" I asked while straightening up to look at him. "Nah, I'm gonna sit down after Shadowman is done arranging the couch." He said while putting his hands in his yellow hoodie pocket. "Well, you do that. If anyone needs me, I'll be setting up my tavern." I said while pushing the box I brought in to the basement door.

I sighed heavily and picked up the box before slowly making my way downstairs before slipping and falling. My scream was cut short when I felt two fuzzy arms catch me and the box. Looking up, I saw Plush, the animatronic bunny I had helped to make. "You gotta be careful creator!" She said while putting the box down and helping me stand straight. "I know, I know but that box was heavy as hell," I said before opening the box and taking out a few goblets and mugs. "It was barely over the weight of two milk cartons." She said with a giggle while dusting the basement. "Well you know I'm weak!" I snapped back while putting the cups up in the cabinet. "I know, I know." She said with a bright smile as her ears perked up, "Hey! I have an idea! There's this gym in town that's free to visit next to that new bakery, would you like to go to it someday?" Plush bounced slightly as her eyes twinkled at the thought. "I'll think about it. For now, let's just finish setting everything up." I said while sifting through the box.

After about 5 hours of unpacking and moving furniture in my tavern, it was finally set up. "There! Now all that's left to do is set up the proper electrical work since I doubt it is everywhere it needs to be." I huffed while grabbing a bottle of water. "Oh, that's easy!" Plush snapped her fingers and all the electrical equipment whirred to life. "There we go! Now let's go help the others!" Plush said before grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs. Once we were there, almost all of the boxes were empty and in a corner. "God damn, they did a lot..." I muttered in awe as my eyes roamed across the rooms. They were fully decorated and fit together perfectly. "C'mon creator!" Plush yelled before running up the spiral staircase. I sighed and began to follow her at a much slower pace so I don't slip and fall again.

After reaching the top of the stairs, I saw Plush helping Kayla to hang things on the walls. Looking down the hall, I saw an open door so I walked over and saw Shadowman putting up sound foam. "Hey, this gonna be the office?" I asked while walking in the room. "Mhm," He hummed before grabbing another piece if foam. "So how long will it take for you to put it all up?" I asked while tilting my head. "Not long." He answered shortly before stepping back to make sure it's even. "Can't you do some weird demon magic and put it all up?" I asked while looking up into his black eyes. ".........why?" He asked while looking down at me. "Save time." I said with a shrug before looking around. He sighed and snapped his fingers making all the memory foam put itself on the wall. "There. Now go away." He said while watching his magic work away. "Ok then fucktard!" I said before walking out.

"Ok! They got everything else under control!" Plush said before picking me up and putting me on her back. "Wait what?" I asked as she ran down the stairs. "They'll be with us soon." She said while running out the door smacking my head on the top of it. "Owwwww..." I groaned as I held my head in pain. "That's gonna leave a mark." I sighed as Plush apologized while running down the street. "Where are we even going?" I asked while holding on to her as she ran faster. "The forest around my house! I want you to meet a few people!" She said in a overly joyous tone. "Aaand who are these people?" I asked with worry rising in my voice. "You'll see! Also, if my dad shows up, don't question it this is the time of day he goes killing." Plush said while slowing down as we entered a forest. She put me down in a small clearing before sitting on a nearby log. "Ok! No one's around but us!" Plush said while looking down at the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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