Chapter 7

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Its been about a week since the whole Kai situaton and I feel so free. Everything happens for a reason, and I'm honestly happy now. I slip into my shower and wash my hair and my body, once I'm finished I step out, and walk back into my room, I throw on some clothes, light makeup, then slide into my shoes. I walk into the kitchen, grab a granola bar and bottle of water. I looked through the house and didn't see Trev anywhere, he must have went to work. I grab my things and head to the bakery.

"Hey Mrs. Joy!" I shut the door behind me.

"Hello Danielle!"

"How has business been today?" I wash my hands and slip on some gloves to help decorate.

"It has been pretty great. We sold out of the new lemon square cupcakes quickly." She informs me.

"Oh great! I was hopeing they would be a big hit." I say "Let me swing an idea by you real quick Mrs.Joy."

"I'm all ears."

"I was thinking we could do a raffle. People would purchase tickets, write their name and information on it, and they would all go into a jar, then at the end of the month we draw two tickets and the people whose name is on the ticket will receive a 'Cool Cakes Bakery' shirt and a $20 gift card. How does that sound?"

"That sounds like a great idea. I really think people would enjoy something like that, and its a great way to keep customers interested." She gives me a big smile.

"Perfect! I'll be right back." I say and head to my car. I quickly drive to the store, and buy a huge jar and a poster paper to make a sign.I get back to the bakery and carry everything inside.

"We can start tomorrow, wich will be the first of the month. I will post about it on our social media accounts." I set the stuff down, and make a post on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter telling about the raffle. I start getting notifacations from my posts gaining likes, comments and shares. I hop on my computer and creat the tickets. There is a line to put a name and another line below for a phone number, and then a spot to write a T-shirt size and a few colors they can choose from. There are about 8 tickets per page, I print about 40 pages. I save the file I created, If we need more I can always print more.

"Looks like its already going to be a big hit. We've gotten over 100 likes, comments and shares already, might as well go ahead and print more tickets." I hold my phone up and show Mrs.Joy before I walk to the computer. After we close for public business I pull my staff into a group and explain the raffel to everyone.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Sara

"I know it is going to be a big hit!" Jillian

"We are going to raise so much money for the bakery." I add.

Everyone seems to be excited about the raffle, great! I'm excited to see how this goes. I hope it works out like I want it to. I finish up some daily inventory work. I set up stuff for the raffle that will be starting tomorrow and then head home. Trevor is out of town for a photo shoot thing, so I have the whole appartment to myself. Once I walk through the door of the appartment building I check my mail and then head to my appartment. I walk in and see a big box sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. It must be something Trevor got because I don't remember ordering anything. I walk over and look at the box.

"TO: Dani, FROM: Trevor" reads the box. What did he get me? I open the box and inside of it is a brand new stand mixer, and theres a note.

"Sorry for breaking your other mixer :) told you I would get you a new one." I laugh at his note. He broke my stand mixer like last month while I was at work, trying to make a birthday cake for his friend. He made the biggest mess and somehow broke the mixer. I unwrap the mixer and it is jet black with all of the attatchments and different bowl sizes.

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