devastating news

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It turned out but Ty did have the virus.

Surprisingly after getting tested the rest of the family's results came back negative.

Ty having the virus sadly meant that the family couldn't go see him.

That fact hard on sleep the entire family but Amy in particular thought of it as a cruel and unusual punishment.

All she wanted to do will be there to help Ty through it.

She could not imagine how lonely  Ty

If it was her sick and in the hospital alone she would have been absolutely devastated.

On top of missing Ty the situation was made even harder by the fact that Lyndy didn't understand what was going on with Ty and why they couldn't go see him.

She had asked multiple times where her Daddy was.

Amy had tried to explain the situation but it never really seemed to help.

At the hospital that night.

The Night Nurse was checking Ty's vitals when all the machines
Vitals started beeping.

The nurse looked at the monitors and realized that  Ty was going into but cardiac arrest.

The nurse called code blue and lots of Everett Medical personnel rushed into the room .

After an hour of trying to resuscitate Ty the doctor called it.

I think it's time to call it guys we've done everything we  can the doctor said.

Okay call it one of the other doctors said.

Time of death 30 3:00 a.m. January 21st 2021.

Back at Heartland

It was 3:30 a.m. when Amy got the call..

The words of the woman on the other line unbelievable in Amy's mind.

No no he can't be dead Amy said through tears

I'm sorry ma'am we couldn't resuscitate him the woman said
Amy said nothing and hung up the phone.

She started to cry uncontrollably.

She walked down the hallway into her grandfather's room.

She stood at the end of the bed.

Grandpa she said tears rapidly streaming down her face.

Jack opened his eyes to see his youngest granddaughter standing at the end of his bed sobbing

Amy what's wrong he asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Amy was crying so hard that Jack for the life of him could not understand what she was saying.

Honey it's okay calm down and talk to me I can't understand what you're saying Jack said.

Ty is dead he's gone Amy said crying even harder if that was even humanly possible
It was just a dream sweetheart Jack said .

He knew Amy was prone to some pretty Vivid nightmares.

New Grandpa it's not a dream you don't understand Ty's dead he went into cardiac arrest and they couldn't resuscitate him Amy yelled.

This caused Jack to come back to reality.

Wait what he practically yelled.

For the last time my husband is dead he's really done it's not just a dream Amy said through tears.

Lisa wake up Jack said gently shaking her awake.

What's going on Lisa asked still half-asleep.

Ty is dead Jack said almost like he was trying to convince himself.

That's not possible he's fine lisa said.

She's gone he's gone and he's not coming back Amy said through sobs.

Oh my God honey I'm so sorry Lisa said getting out of bed to comfort Amy as fast as she possibly could.

What am I going to do Amy said through tears that made her almost impossible to understand as she said on the floor and cried uncontrollably.

You're going to do what you always do get through it and we are going to be there to help you Jack said not really knowing what to say.

How am I going to tell Lyndy Amy asked through tears.

You're going to tell her that Daddy went to heaven and that he loved her with all his heart Lisa said starting to cry herself.

She's not going to be there to see her graduate from high school to walk her down the aisle Amy sore throat tears.

But you will and you give her the best life you can and she'll grow up knowing even though she doesn't  have her daddy she have a family that loves her.

I don't want to be a single mom Amy cried.

I know honey I know you don't Jack said hugging Amy as tight as he could.

Don't want to be a single mom Amy just kept repeating .

Lou was woken up in the early hours of the morning by what sounded wake her sister crying and screaming I don't want to be single mom.

Lou followed the cries in to her grandfather's bedroom.

What's going on lou

Ty passed away tonight Jack said.

No no no is all could manage to get out.

Don't want to be a single mom Amy said through tears again.

I love him so much Amy said ..

We know honey we know Lou said.

I don't want to be single mom to two kids Amy sobbed.

Two kids what are you talking about lou asked confused.

What do you think dumbass I'm pregnant Amy yelled.

Oh my God Amy Lou said in  disbelief.

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