A Proposal

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Chapter 1 – A proposal 

        I was running through the woods, jumping over fallen logs and dodging passed all the underbrush of the forest.

        I kept glancing over my shoulder to see if I could find the thing that was chasing me, but all I could hear was my heavy breathing and underbrush rustling against my movements.

        As I slowed down I hid to the side of a tree and tried to calm my breathing as I listened intently to the sounds of the forest.

        If there was something, or someone, out there I should be able to hear it.

        I listened to every sound there was, but it all sounded like the normal forest sounds. The rustle of the leaves in the wind, the scrape of a bush on the dirt packed floor, the quiet thump of a hopping rabbit. But there was nothing out of the ordinary.

        Even though I couldn't hear anything coming after me, I knew it was there, almost as much as I know that Olena is my dragon and that I am her Rider. It was almost like a feeling inside of me was telling me, and making all my senses on high alert. And yet, I couldn't find anything.

        "Olena, can you see what is following me? I have been listening to all of my senses, but I can not find a thing."

        I knew Olena wasn't going to be able to help me, but maybe if she tapped into my senses then she would be able to tell me something that I am missing.

        "All I can say is always listen to that feeling in your gut. It will help you in your most troubled times.”

        I sighed, exasperated, but regretted it instantly.

        If there was something following me then any noise would give me away and completely blow my cover.

        I slowly moved away from the tree, careful to make as little noise as possible.

        I felt something on my arm and quickly spun around, my whole body in defense mode, as I realized it was just a tree branch I relaxed slightly.

        "You should never let your guard down."

        I spun around to find the source of the voice.

        "Shamir, how much longer do I have to do this? I have been running around this forest for who knows how long. I'm sure that I stink and right now I would just like to be able to take a hot shower and to explore the Kingdom some more."

        He raised his eyebrow. "You do want to become a true Dragon Rider, do you not?"

        I sighed, exasperated. "I have been training eighteen hours a day every day this week! I deserve a break."

        He studied me for a moment before finally sighing and turning around. He walked away from me and toward the Kingdom.

        "Does this mean I get a break?" I called after him, completely confused as to what he was doing. I felt slightly relieved, but I didn't know what was going to happen.

        "Just follow me." He hadn't even looked over his shoulder to do as much as glance back at me.

        Biting back my remarks I quietly followed him, trying to study the surroundings to see if I knew the place, but it was a completely new place to me.

        I don't know how far we walked, but I knew that if I hadn't been training all week the way I have been with Shamir then I would have been dead tired.

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