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Natee has just completed a lap he then proceeded to push himself up the poolside. A sharp pain coursed through his right shoulder making him wince. He tried to move it around making small circles to try and loosen it. He sighed, the coach's words echoes through his head "Do you know how many swimmers have to retire because they keep on pushing?" Shortly he plunged again into the waters keeping the thought far back in his head and continued his swimming training.

Unbeknownst to him a passing observer stood at a distance. Seeing the momentary pain on the swimmer's face Gus felt guilty, he knew he shoved Natee towards the wall while trying to get back at Gun. He didn't mean to hurt the guy but Gun, that weirdo kicked his chair so hard it made him ungracefully kiss the floor of their classroom.

Thinking back he didn't know why that guy who always sleeps till the class bell rings got mad. Gus was just voicing out the complaints he had with the school director. Seriously! The cafeteria food tastes bland as hell these days.

Gus walked to a vending machine nearby debating on what to get the swimmer as an apology. 'Will a soda do? Sports energy drink? Isn't that a bit stereotypical?  Or should I just get Na a bottle of water?' He stared at the drinks selection and finally picked out an energy drink. Soda has too much sugar probably not good for an athlete and water?  Na could just drink all the water he wants at the pool, Gus snickered at that last thought.

Natee walked out of the swimming area, his team jacket keeping him warm from the cold night air. He spotted someone sitting at one of the benches at first he thought it was Meen but it was a guy. "Gus what are you doing out here so late?" He called out his friend.

"Little mermaid has finally come out of the water, here catch!" He threw the sports drink which the other caught with ease and walked towards Gus.

"Don't call me that" Na playfully swatted at his friend's head. "What's this for?" He gestured the drink he caught.

"Sorry for dragging you into our fight, I don't know what's with Gun he gets crazier everyday" he saw Na opened the bottle and sat next to him.

"It's okay Gus, not your fault. I don't know what's his deal with Meen either, she got hurt because of him" they both took a sip of their cold drinks. Although Gus's soda lost some of its fizz from being opened while he waited for the swimmer earlier.

"Ohoh~ is the bestfriend jealous?" He teased Na playfully poking his sides. "N-no! Why would I be?!" The swimmer flustered at the question. It's true he likes Meen for a long time now but being bestfriends for now is not bad at all.

Comfortable, that's a word he would use to describe his relationship with Meen but with Gun's weird antics lately he feels a bit agitated like the feeling of not knowing something but he trusts Meen she is his bestfriend after all.

The two walked together and casually chatted until they reached the bus stop and parted ways. All the while Gus thought he felt lighter when talking with Na and for the night he forgot the punishment he will have to face for the brawl he was involved in.

Gus didn't notice himself whistling until he was in front of his house gates. He was such in a good mood that he unconsciously wished Na would join homeroom class more, then maybe he wouldn't be bored often with the swimmer there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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