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Hello there everyone! I finally finished this Christmas oneshot, and have got it up. It's full of fluff for this special occasion and includes every shipping I have on my Bio except for the Sinnoh ones. Well, enjoy~!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon Special/Adventures


The Berlitz manor just simply glowed during Christmas. Glittering lights hung everywhere, and the fireplace crackled and glowed, throwing everything in a gorgeous amber light. Wreaths and icicles hung on doors and decorated staircases, and the smell of fresh-baked sugar cookies and candycanes always filled the air.

This year was of course no exception. Infact, the manor was even more magnificent because of all the young spirits, joyfully laughing to the tinkling of bells hung everywhere.

The pokedex holders were visiting the Berlitz mansion for their Christmas reunion. The ballroom was decorated beautifully and had a gigantic tree as it's centerpiece; adorned with candles and glass ornaments and candycanes and multi-colored icicles. Mistletoe hung in literally every corner of the large room, and a certain devious brunette was using that opportunity as an excuse to help her spread "Christmas Cheer" to every one of her favorite friends.

"STOP!!!" The howl had been uttered by none other than Blue, and as everyone's heads whipped around to face her, she smiled slyly. "Hey, Red! Yellow!" She called out loudly, and everyone turned to the said couple. "Look up!" And so everyone did.

Snickers were heard and giggles were giggled as Yellow's face flushed to the same color as Santa Claus's suit. Above her and Red was a plant with spiky green leaves and blaring, siren-red berries.

Red squinted up at it. "Hey, Yellow?" The blonde flushed even darker when the naive boy called her name. "What's that?"

A pin would have been if it had been dropped. This was proven when someone (most likely Diamond) dropped their candycane onto the marble floor.

Yellow's hazel eyes immediately snapped up to lock with Red's namesake ones as he gazed her questioningly. "M-mistletoe," she stuttered. "That's mistletoe."

Red looked up at the ceiling as though lost in thought. "Sounds really familiar."

"That's because it should."

"Oi, Red!" Gold called out from across the room. "You seriously don't know what mistletoe is?"

Red shook his. "No. it's not that. I'm just having a hard time recalling what it's... for..." As realization (or remembrance as he claimed) dawned upon Red, his face immediately turned his name-sake and the boy started stuttering like an idiot.

Really, for a 16 year-old, Red should have taken this a lot better than that.

Blue laughed. "Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss her you idiot!"

Red turned even redder if that was even possible. Then, slowly, shakily, Yellow got on her tiptoes and gave the boy a quick peck on the cheek. 'Just to get rid off all the attention on us,' the blonde told herself, and sure enough, soon the topic of conversation drifted away from them and most had forgotten about the whole ordeal.

Red, though, was not one of those who forgot, and sat in the corner, short-circuiting from an overload of blood to the face. Translation: Red was blushing like crazy and stuttering for the rest of the night.

Footsteps sounded from next to Blue and she turned around to meet with a pair of emerald eyes. "Hey. Green!"

"You set that all up, didn't you?" Green smiled lightly into his cup as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

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