Hiroki's Pov
My friends and I were all hanging out at Carnso(Carn) and Sakara's(Sak) house. By this point it's just me, Sak, Nichium(Nich), and Bashira(Bash) that are hanging out. Carn already fell asleep. Ten years ago we would be yelling at him to wake up, but we're used to it at this point.

The Akari's(Sak and Carn) and I have all been friends with each other for about thirteen years now. Nichium became our friend like ten years ago. Bash became our friend about seven years ago, and the Akari's and I have always known that Nichium has a crush on her. He told us that he did last month tho. But today he's asking her out! Finally!

Honestly, I have had a crush on Carn for awhile. And I know that I have a chance because he is so gay. I'm bi. I don't know if he likes me or not. That's why I'm gonna ask Sak for some advice. But I'll have to hold that off, because I'm scared that he won't like me back. I mean why would he? My own father doesn't like me, why would he?

"Hi." Carn said getting off of a bean bag and walking over to us.
"Hey sleepy head" Sak teased him.
"Shut the frick up, Sak." He said sleepily.
"G'mornin Carn!" I say smiling
"Hi!" Bash said smiling at him.
"Hey Carn! Finally decided to get up, did ya?" Nich teased also smiling.
"Like you're one to talk." Carn said.
"Uh?! What do you mean?" Nich said sounding offended.
"Yesterday during school I was taking some notes and I looked over to you. You were sleeping." Carn said raising one eyebrow at Nich.

"Guys. Stop fighting!" I say before it got to serious. Carn looked at me.
"Fine" Carn said.
"Aw. I was getting interested!" Sak said teasingly.
"Same!" Bashira said putting her long black hair in a high bun. I looked at them both. They could tell that I was telling them to just agree with me for once.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Don't fight, I'm the oldest. So you guys have to listen to me and Hiro, because he's the second oldest." Sak says sounding a little annoyed.
"I already said fine!" Carn said. Sak looked at Nich.
"Yep. We already stopped." Nich said.
"Good." I said.

I check the time. Dang! It's past the time my dad said to be home by. It's almost been an hour since I was supposed to leave. Crap, ok. I'll just tell'em I have to leave.
"Hey guys, I gotta go." I say standing up.
"Oh, bye." Carn says looking at me.
"Bye." Sak says looking up from her book, that's inches wide.
"Byyyye!" Bash says smiling.
"Bye Hiro." Nich says smiling. I smile and wave. I open Sak's door and look at Sak.
"Keep these children out of trouble. Please." I say laughing a little.
"I'll try!" Sak says laughing.

"Don't worry Mom and Dad, we'll stay out of trooouble!"  Bash said also laughing.
"Ok well, bye my children!" I say laughing even more than I already was. I left the group of my laughing friends. We have been pretending like I'm there dad and Sak's there mom for awhile, but we all still find it really funny. Damnit. I NEED to get home. I run out of the Akari's house realizing that I need to get home. I run back to my home and quietly open the door and silently walk in.

"Well someone seems to be a little late." My dad says as I walk in.
"Oh hey dad!" I say to my dad trying to sound as innocent as I could.
"Why so late my boy?" My dad says walking over to me. I close the door behind me.

"Sorry dad. I just lost track of time, I didn't realize it was past 8." I say walking over to my room.
"Hiroki. You are not going anywhere." My dad says as I look over to him and nod my head.

My dad starts beating me. I let him, every once and awhile cursing under my breath.
"Have a terrible night Hiroki." My dad says after 30 minutes straight  of beating me.
"Yeah, Good night dad." I say sleepily. I try getting up, and eventually I do. I have bruises, scars, cuts, wounds, and scabs all over my body. I go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet. I start start wrapping my cuts and look at my small knife sitting on my sink counter. I pick it up and start cutting myself.

Ugh. I suck. I don't like myself.

I start to wrap my cuts. I walk back to my room. I lay on my bed and just think to myself about how much I hate my life. A voice of Carn always nudging in to tell me that I should kill myself. I eventually cry myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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